Title: Pity party (2)
Genre: Angsty, Fluff-
"Have a good day at school today, okay?" The lady spoke as she pulled up at the elementary school.
"Yes mom, bye!" Amala said excitedly, she just couldn't wait to hand out all her invitations to her 'friends'.
Walking into her third grade class, she'd seen her teacher hadn't arrived yet, smiling she decided that this was the perfect time to hand out her invitations..
She looked over seeing a few girls over at the backseats laughing about something, so she walked over..
"Hi, I was wondering if y'all would like to come to my birthday party this Saturday?" She smiled holding out the invitations in front of her.
"Yeah....no." one of the girls laughed with the others following suit.
"Why? there's gonna be a cake and everything."
"I'm not going to your lame party so..."
"It's okay to be busy, you can still try to make it." she smiles putting three invitations on the desk before walking over to a nerdy looking boy who sat at the very front of the class with his face buried into a very thick looking book.
"Hi Jeffrey, would you like to come to my birthday party, this Saturday?" She asked holding out an invitation.
"Umm.. I'm kinda busy that day." he said scratching his nape nervously, making her confused at that, Jeff was never busy.. but she just decided to shrug it off.
"Okay, but maybe you'll change your mind." she smiles putting one on the desk.
As she was going back over to her seat she felt a strong pull on her arm..
"What are these?" Chris one of her many bullies asked looking through her invitations.
"None of your concern, now gimme back!" She screamed trying to reach for the invitations in his hands but he kept taking it higher out her reach, considering that Amala was very short for her age it was really hard for her to get it.
Instead of the other kids to help, they just sat around watching the interaction, a few even laughing at the situation..
"Stop it." she could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes.
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." he laughed.
"And what is going on here?!" A loud voice asked the class, it was the voice of their teacher.
"Sir, Chris is being mean and won't give me my invitations back!" Amala said.
"Chris give her those things back now, and go report yourself to the principal!" the teacher demanded making the boy scoff throwing the papers on the floor and running out the class, slamming the door behind him.
"That boy need a good ass spanking." the teacher mumbled to himself.
It was just then he remembers the little girl that was standing by his side. Well what a way to meet the class..
FanfictionJust a bunch of gay shots with your fav female celebs...