Beyoncé x Megan thee stallion

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Title: Next door neighbor
Genre: .... Read the chappy....

I made this a bit long since it's the final chappy so yeah, you're welcome 😌

July, 1994...

Beyoncé had spent almost all day playing in her room with her dollies, she wouldn't even come down to eat- not because she didn't want to- but mainly because of the people that were there.

Her cousins had come over to stay at her house for the summer, and to say she didn't like them would be a serious understatement.. for someone only six she did have a serious dislike for her twelve and eight year old cousins.

They hated the things she liked and always made it their mission to tease and make fun of her, if she could she would've socked them in the eye already.

Her mother had brought her food upstairs for her too eat after she'd thrown a big tantrum about eating downstairs which Tina was not ready to deal with at the moment.

Her dollie fashion show was interrupted when she heard the loud sound of vehicle just outside her window, inquisitively she had stood up to go check out what it was, she stood by the window seal looking out at a big truck pull up to the house next to theirs.

Raising her legs on tippy toes to really get a good look, she'd seen a man that looked to be in his mid thirties and a woman who looked about the same age come down from their car that followed the truck, the woman reached her hand inside pulling out a child that seemed to be about her age.

Beyoncé let out a little gasp, "They have a kid." She mumbles to herself, maybe she'd try to make friends with the girl over the summer.

She accessed the girls outfit for a long time which looked completely different from hers, she was currently wearing a pink sundress while the other girl was wearing a blue t-shirt with Jean overalls.

"She looks really cute." Beyoncé couldn't help but say, "maybe she'll play Barbie's with me... not like those stupid boys." Now her mood was dampened again, just thinking about them always seemed to spoil her mood.


After another almost twenty minutes of watching the family move in Beyoncé started feeling like a creep, so she decided to just continue playing her dolls until Celestine barged into the room, "Bey baby, what you doing up here?" Her pregnant mother asks to which Beyoncé just shrugs.

"Playing dollies but I don't wanna do that no more."

"Then why don't you go play w-"

"No! I'm not playing with them, they're mean and dirty and...boys." she said the last part like it was the most disgusting thing in the world letting out a heavy sigh.

"But your daddy used to be a boy." Tina points out.

"That's different, daddy is daddy and they're them, so it's not the same thing."

Tina didn't even have time to tell her that none of what she said made any sense, when the moving truck outside her daughters window caught her attention.

"Oh we have new neighbors?" She says walking towards the window.

"Yeah and they have a daughter, just like me!" Beyoncé smiles giddily following her mother to the window, "Can we go say hi?! Please!"

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