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You push your glasses up as they teeter on the bridge of your nose again, dangerously close to falling. Adjusting yourself on the bed, with your legs tucked under the blanket to form a heated cocoon, you pull your laptop up closer to your chest to get started on your work again. You've been procrastinating for the last half an hour, mindlessly scrolling through your phone and letting that ball of dread in your stomach sink further and further until the gaping pit was too large to ignore. And you've barely started typing, a finger or two pressing down on the keys, before the world's worst distraction shows up to halt every movement in your body.

You look up at the push of the door, a creak resounding like thunder in your ears, only to be met with the less-than-intimidating sight of your boyfriend. There's an endearing light-pink shaded hue creeping up on his cheeks as he steps into the room, a loosely fitted black shirt on, some sweats, and a bag of takeout in his other hand. You sweep your eyes over his body, his face, and those little dimples in his cheeks that are popping up now as he smiles, and you take in everything that he is - everything that's so irrevocably Jaehyun.

"Your mom let me in," Jaehyun says, still standing by the now closed door.

He's got his back perched up against it and the takeout held between both hands like some sort of gift. The smell of Chinese food wafts into the room, and you sit up, alert at the presence of two very important things. For now, your work can take a seat on the back burner, but you decide to play it up a little anyway.

"Oh, yeah? Did she? You didn't text me to tell me you were coming, though, and you know I hate surprises," you say, trying to keep back the smile threatening to tug at your lips.

Jaehyun rubs the back of his neck, sheepish. "Sorry. I thought you'd make an exception for me."

At the sight of Jaehyun's growing blush, you let the smile rip and spread your arms wide, curling and uncurling your fingers as a sign for him to get closer.

"C'mere," you say, drawing up your knees under the duvet and effectively pushing your laptop off your lap so that it's tilted.

Jaehyun grins and pads towards you. He's already taken off his shoes at the front door, clearly, because he's wearing his favourite socks; the ones with bears on them. He's careful to leave the bag of takeout at the foot out your bed before crawling up towards you, a bit like a hunter, but a little less sharp and taunting and more so teasing and playful. He shifts your laptop aside before drowning you in a hug that makes you flop back on the bed, sinking into the sheets as he breathes in the exposed skin of your chest. You wrap your arms around him too, feeling the outline of your boyfriend's body, the way it radiates heat and emits such an odd, yet comforting, feeling of security. Over the past couple of months, he's really and truly became your rock.

Jaehyun mumbles something into your chest, but the words are mushed together because of the way his lips press down on your skin - kissing, almost, but not quite. You pause from running your hands through the strands of his dark hair to push him back by the shoulders a little and crane your head upwards to see his face at the same time. Jaehyun's eyes are crinkled at the edges, a telltale sign that he's either going to say something entirely cute or so stupidly endearing that you'll melt into your bed, no questions asked.

It ends up being a little bit of both.

"You smell like coconut butter and vanilla," Jaehyun says.

His voice is quiet, like he's whispering, but it's loud enough for the both of you.

You scrunch up your nose, trying not to laugh. "Coconut butter? Cocoa butter, you mean?"

Jaehyun takes a second to compute your words before he lifts a hand and groans into it, swiping it over his face. "Fuck. Cocoa butter. Right. I'll remember next time. I promise. I swear."


When Jaehyun pouts, you push him off, less for the weight of his body threatening to crush you and more in the fear that he'll feel that damned thudding of your heart beneath your ribs. You thank God for your skin tone and your inability to really blush or else you'd seriously be done for. But Jaehyun isn't having it. He rolls over to the side, and as you sit up fully to reach for the bag of takeout, he encases you with both arms snuggled around your waist. His breath tickles the shell of your ear as he leans in to bite it before soothing the spot by peppering kisses all the way down along the base of your neck. It's only been a few days, and now that he's got you, he clearly can't get enough of you.

"Possessive much? You man-koala," you say as you wiggle your hands away from him.

You manage to pull the bag of takeout to your lap, peering inside, all the while with Jaehyun hanging on to the side of your body as if you were some sort of branch.

Jaehyun stops leaving kisses as you rummage through the bag. It makes you still, missing the feel of his plush lips and the blanket of familiarity it gives you, but you soon start back up again as Jaehyun then leans in to whisper in your ear.

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

It takes one second. Two seconds. Three: Before you burst into the sort of laughter that rattles your bones. From beside you, Jaehyun pouts, dead serious. You hold back the urge to poke his dimples by a thin thread.

"Well, would you?"

"Hmm... I don't know. Would I?"

He nudges you a little at your vague reply, pulling away with his arms still around you just to get a good look at your face as you answer.


"I'm thinking!" you say. "And besides, I don't think I should. You got me the wrong order."

"They didn't have your order!"

"The same way I wouldn't have love for you as a worm." You shrug.

Jaehyun frowns. You turn away from him, seeing the way he lets go of you and flops back onto the back with his arms spread in defeat through the corner of your eye. Chuckling softly, you take out the utensils and food he got. It may not be your usual order, but at the very least, he got something similar, and you can't knock him for trying.

Suddenly, before you can even swallow the plastic forkful of noodles in your mouth, Jaehyun latches his arms around you again tightly and wiggles his body in a wave motion up against the side of your leg.

"What if I was a sexy worm?"

You nearly choke. "Jaehyun!"

I know I haven't updated for a while because, honestly, this was marked as complete, but I kinda miss writing for y'all. I love every black kpop stan in existence, and I want y'all to feel represented. So, maybe expect random, sporadic updates - don't hold me to that, though lol! I had the sudden urge to write this before bed.

This was a new writing style and POV entirely, so let me know if you like it, please! That'd be much appreciated. My writing has improved lol, and I like to know which appeals more: this second person 'you' pov, or first person 'I' pov?

Oh, and I also changed the cover!

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