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Avoiding Kisses

I heard the door unlock and Yangyang shuffle his feet in. My eyes remained glued to the tv as the movie's climax was rising, but I still called out a welcome to him as he entered.

"I brought snacks!" he yelled as he came in. I looked back at him from where I sat, and he held up a large bag in his hand whilst he took off his shoes. I turned back quickly to the tv, and he made his way over to me.

"No greeting kiss?" he asked me expectantly, standing in front of me. I furrowed my brows and looked around him - he was obscuring my view.

"Hello? Your boyfriend just drove all the way over here to surprise you!" Yangyang called out, gesturing up and down at himself. "I even brought you your favourite snacks!" he went on, holding up the bag in his hand.

I groaned and scooched to the other side of the couch to get a better view. Someone was about to die in the movie, I could just feel it. I held unto a pillow in anticipation. Yangyang scoffed and stood in front of me as I leaned forward.

"Give me a kiss." He pouted, placing his hands on his hips.

"Yangyang, move!" I waved a hand at him as the knight took out his sword. He instead leaned in for a kiss, and I quickly pushed his head aside.

"Fuck, ow! What the hell-" he yelled out as he landed on the floor. He looked at me with his bottom lip poking out, but I was too focused on the tv. He began to whine and gesture his hands in a 'gimme' way. When he registered that I wasn't going to answer him, he stood up in chagrin.


I watched him stomp away to my kitchen dramatically out of my peripheral vision. I felt a pang of guilt, but it was honestly quite funny to tease him like that, so I wasn't feeling too bad. Instead I reeled in as the movie's bloodbath continued.

When the movie was over, Yangyang was still sitting at my kitchen table munching on popcorn grumpily. I turned off the tv and stretched to stand before shuffling my way over to him. I wrapped my arms around his back and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Baby..." I groaned at him. He huffed and turned his head to face the opposite direction.

I came closer and nibbled a bit at his ear before calling him again. "Yangyyy.." I whined at him, and the tips of his ears turned red. He liked whenever I called him nicknames, and his tense body relaxed as I whispered it into his ear.

Unexpectedly, Yangyang stood up and turned around in my arms. I held him tightly as he looked down at me with a suppressed smile. He paused momentarily before returning my hug, and I felt relief wash over me from his warm embrace. He put his head down and left a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"I forgive you," he sighed. "I don't think I could stay mad at you if I tried."

I grinned up at him and placed a warm kiss on his lips. He smiled into the kiss and pulled me closer before lifting me up by my brown thighs. I pulled my head away from him in surprise as he began to walk to the stairs.

"You have to make it up to me." He smirked down at me. I raised a suggestive brow back at him.

"Just cuddle time, you dirty girl."

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