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Jaemin was well known as the campus' biggest flirt. His cute appearance would make the girls and boys fall for him without knowing his real reputation. He had only just transferred here, but the name had come with him, and I, having been played before, knew better than to trust a guy like Jaemin. His honey sweet words and charming aura made him dangerous. Too dangerous.

For some reason, his new victim seemed to be me. At first I thought it was a joke, I mean, I didn't look like the other girls he was known for hitting on, but now he wouldn't leave me alone. The weirdest thing was that he actually asked me out. Like on a date. Not once, not twice, but too many times to count, so as I saw him approach me I knew I had to avoid him.

"Wait up!" I heard a familiar deep voice call out to me. It was unmistakably him. I clutched my bag's handle and turned to face him with an unimpressed glare. That never deterred him though, he was annoyingly persistent.

"I'm surprised you actually slowed down for once." He laughed, stopping before me. I was surprised at myself too, I was trying not to give him any chances, but it was getting harder these days.

"What do you want Jaemin?" I huffed, trying not to let my own surprise be found in my voice.

"I thought I told you to call me Nana?" He smirked, running a hand through his strawberry pink hair.

"I'm sure you've told every girl to call you that," I muttered at him, looking away. It was hard to not let the tingles overtake my body and mess with my senses. I knew this trick; he was trying to make me feel special, and I couldn't fall for it. I wouldn't fall for it.

"I didn't know your name was every girl. Duly noted," Jaemin smiled. He shamelessly looked down at my plump lips and let his eyes linger there for a few seconds before looking back up at my eyes with a smirk. "Let me walk you to class."

I'm ashamed to say that I was on the verge of saying yes before I heard my friend call out my name. All form of conversation was halted as she ran over to us quickly and placed her arm defensively around my neck. Jaemin's smile didn't falter, but he raised a shaped brow lightly and crossed his arms.

"I guess I could spare my girl for a moment.." he started at her, "I'll see you in a bit after all," he finished, directing his attention back towards me. My friend scoffed, and I looked away, biting my lip. He was starting to get to me.

Without a word, my friend turned us away from him sharply and began to walk me to class.

"What a freak," she started her rant, but I was too busy paying attention to what he called me.

My girl.

My high was incredibly short lived. I was now regretting my daydreaming about him and the lecture notes I had missed because of him. Is this what they called they Jaemin effect? Whatever it was, I hated it, and my poor salad was forced to deal with my wrath.

"Girl, why are you beating those tomatoes up? Just give them to me, damn," my friend said, pulling me out of my annoyance. We were sitting in the crowded campus cafeteria, yet my eyes were unnervingly focused on one person.


Whether he noticed me staring or not, he didn't look at me. He was talking to yet another girl with a smile so wide he could be on television. They laughed, and as she reached out to touch his hand, I forced myself to look away. Where had my strength gone? I thought I didn't like the guy, but I wasn't so sure anymore. His persistence must have really done a number on me.

"I've lost my appetite guys," I quickly started, "I'll head to class early."

I stood up abruptly from the table before they could get a real word in and carried my tray to the bin area. I looked back and caught Jaemin's eye. He was smiling again as he looked at me in curiosity. I forced my eyes away from him as I sped walked out of the cafeteria. I was disappointed in myself for letting him get into my head.

I was near my next class' building before I heard a masculine voice calling out my name. I turned around quickly in embarrassing excitement before realising it wasn't who I thought it was. My smile quickly faltered as Jeno walked up to me.

"That smile turned into a frown really quickly," he laughed at me briefly.

"Sorry... I just.."

"It's ok, no worries.." he cut me off. Thankfully, Jeno never took things the wrong way. He paused to look at me for a moment and a comfortable silence took over us. "I was wondering though... if you'd like to study with me after school... maybe as a date?"

It was no exaggeration to say my mouth dropped. Jeno and I shared a few classes, so were we good friends almost. Buddies at the least, but this came as a surprise to me. I didn't know what to say to him as he stared down at me expectantly. I was wary of the attention that I was getting from guys these days. Or perhaps I was wary of attention that just didn't come from Jaemin. Either way, I didn't know if I could accept his proposal.

"Well I could start by just bringing you to class.." he continued, placing his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth. He sounded hopeful, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. I was just about to answer him before I felt an arm snake around my waist.

"I think I can walk her to class, thanks," a hard voice came from behind me. Jaemin's voice had gotten dangerously low, and he pulled my side close as he stepped beside me. I looked over at him, but he wasn't paying attention to me, he was looking over at Jeno with a stoic stare and icy eyes.

Jeno looked away from his sudden presence and refocused his eyes on Jaemin's arm around me momentarily. His smile faltered a bit, but his lips were still tugged upwards. I smiled sadly at him. Jeno's eyes went back up to us before he put both his hands up in surrender.

"I see how it is."

Jeno looked over at me, and we both smiled smally. I felt Jaemin's grip around my waist tighten a bit and he stepped in front of me, obscuring my view of Jeno. Jeno said nothing as he backed away in retreat; but he mouthed two words to me before he turned away from us.

Good luck.

I nodded lightly and thanked him in my head, I would probably need it. Now my attention was back on Jaemin as he looked at me with a hard expression. "Really?"

"You have no right, Jaemin! I just saw you-"

His heavy hands placed on my hips moved me forward as he placed a soft kiss on my lips.
"I told you to call me Nana."

I was stunned, but his expression held no trace of jokes. This time, Jaemin was dead serious. It was weird to see him so opposite to his usual calm, composed, smiling self. If I was any lighter, I might've actually blushed from the way he was looking at me. Instead I opted to looking down at my feet. Jaemin took a finger and lifted up my chin to meet his eyes. They seemed to search for something in mine.

"Be my girl."

I was lost for words. This was it, he somehow managed to do it. He had somehow managed to break down my walls. As his lips once again inched closer to mine, I found myself whispering the word I had promised myself not to say.

"I will."

Na Jaemin may be a playboy, but he was my playboy.

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