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Summer had passed quicker than I expected, and for once, I was actually excited to get back to school. This was our last year before going to University, and I could say goodbye to my high school years forever. The ring of the bell reminded me that I still had a long way to go before that was achievable. For now, I had to get to class.

On my way, I spotted a guy approaching me from the corner of my eye. He sported a small smile as he walked over, making me worried that I would wave at him when he was actually looking at someone else. The halls were fairly empty, but I couldn't embarrass myself the first day back, so I decided to take no chances and walk away from him quickly.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice calling my name and stopped dead in my tracks.

I turned to see him steadily jogging towards me, and my mouth dropped. I had to do a double take before he spoke again. Was this really Taeyong?

"Why were you walking so quickly? We still have a few minutes before class," he asked me, slightly out of breath. The smile he wore didn't falter at my worried expression but instead grew bigger. "Where's my hug?"

"Taeyong? Is that really you?" I asked him, stunned. I still couldn't believe my eyes. He looked so... different. Taeyong just laughed softly in response.

"Of course it's me. How could you not recognise your best friend?" He smiled.
I was suddenly disappointed in myself. He went to Korea this summer, and he seemed to have lost weight, changed his haircut and overall dressed better, but despite all this, I of all people should have been able to recognise him a mile away.

"What water were you drinking?"

Taeyong laughed at me again, although I was dead serious. I needed whatever he was having.

"You look really good," I continued.

He blushed and looked down as he shuffled his feet. His new look made me feel... different. Something I had being trying to suppress over the years was coming back and harder than ever. Taeyong mumbled softly whilst wringing his large, veiny hands. It was an odd contrast to his cute appearance.

From behind him, I saw a girl approach us, so when he finally began to speak I zoned out, narrowing my eyes at her. I know I had seen her around a lot yet forgotten her name. She had never spoken to us before.

"Hi," her soft voice interrupted him. I noted her appearance. She had milky white skin, a far stretch from my dark brown ones, and her hair was a soft, jet black unlike my unruly texture. I found myself smoothing down my hair while looking at her before I quickly snapped out of it. Was this insecurity? I hadn't felt this way in awhile. I looked over at Taeyong, and he was smiling at her. I felt my stomach drop.

"I'll, uh.. leave you guys to it.." I told them with a half smile. I didn't want to be here while she hit on him. There was no denying the feelings I had been trying to hide for years now, and if I stayed there a moment later, I might genuinely have cried at my realisation.

"Where-" Taeyong started as his head sharply turned to my retreating figure. I mouthed class to the both of them as she grinned thankfully, and I ignored Tae's furrowed brows and falling smile.

I had to remember what he said we were. Best friends.

The last class of the day was over, and I had successfully managed to avoid Taeyong's noticeable presence. I had been late to a few classes when hiding from him as he came my way, and I even resorted to eating lunch by myself in the secluded area of the library. I needed to get my feelings in check so I could remind myself what I was and always would be to him; just his best friend.

I ignored the dings from my phone as I received his texts. I felt guilty for doing this, but I couldn't be around him today or else I didn't know what I'd do. I heard running footsteps behind me and my body stilled. Those were definitely the sound of size eleven feet.

"Wait up!" his deep voice called out to me, and my body couldn't help but obey the command. I bit my lip as he came closer and stopped near me with slightly heavy breathing.

"Have you been avoiding me?" Taeyong questioned. His voice wasn't angry like I expected it to be, just saddened, and somehow that felt worse. I felt like a fool for even trying to ignore him. I should've just toughed out the day.

"I'm taking your silence as a yes... But why?" he asked softly, and both his hands reached out to hold my arms. I bit my lip, but it was no use, I knew his presence today would make me say something I'd regret, and it did.

"I like you," I blurted out quickly. Regret overcame me as his face fell into a stoic, blank position. He soft brown eyes darkened as he stared at me intensely.

"I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry. I'm just your best friend, I know that so-"

Abruptly, I felt his soft lips being pushed unto my own, and I held my breath. I quickly melted into the kiss as he pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. The pen in my hand fell as his tongue poked into my mouth and entered it. Butterflies filled my stomach, and my once rigid knees went weak.

As he pulled away, his face turned red, and he looked down. Was he regretting what he done already?

Suddenly, he brought his head up with determined confidence as his eyes met mine.

"I like you too."

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