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Renjun and I had been in competition with each other for as long as I could remember. Our parents were best friends, so subsequently, we grew up together. They thought we were the bestest buddies too, but little did they know we hated each other's guts. Well, Renjun hated mine first.

The first memory of it was when we were five and our families went to the beach together for a day out. Renjun suggested that we have a sand castle competition, and so we did. That was until he kicked mine over when he saw it was better. That was the day our somewhat petty rivalry started.

Renjun always played dirty, sometimes even at my expense. I only ever played clean, so my wins would be more satisfying.

"Those were the days.." I mumbled to myself, looking over sadly at Renjun.

But, we were older now, and I wanted to move past that. Maybe we could even be.. friends? It was a far stretch, but it was worth a try - fighting all the time was exhausting.

I made my way over to Renjun at the other side of the room, the party music blaring through the cracks of my skull. Renjun spotted me approach and walked away from his friends with a his usual coy smirk.

"Renjun, I want to talk to you," I told him, crossing my arms.

"What? I can't hear you? But, anyways, you up for a game of beer pong?"

He was back at it again, and I just rolled my eyes. "I said I want to talk!" I semi-shouted at him this time. He wore a confused expression before his lips pursed into a thin line, and he nodded.

"Come with me," he ordered, grabbing my arm. As he lead me out of the room, I watched his contrast of his pale hand on mine. It had a firm grip on my wrist.

Renjun led me outside to the garden where the music's volume was toned down. There was a couple in the corner making out, but I ignored them - the cold wind biting at my skin was enough of a distraction.

"I need to talk to you about something," I sighed. Renjun usually butted in, but this time he stayed quiet. I guess he knew that it was something serious for once. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I don't want to be at war with you anymore, Ren.. These childish games, they need to stop," I told him firmly.

There was a moment of silence before he started laughing loudly as if I had said the funniest joke in the world. I furrowed my brows at him.

"Ren, I'm being serious," I tried to tell him. Renjun continued with his obnoxious laughter, and I got sick of it. I tapped my foot waiting for him to finish, before I got tired and began walking away. He was a lost cause.

"Wait, Y/n!" Renjun called out to me, and I stopped in my tracks. I sighed before turning around, rubbing my hands over my exposed arms in a tight body hug.

"Well, the truth is..." He coughed and scratched his nape. I tapped my foot impatiently and raised a brow. It would be another prank again, I could feel it.

Renjun took a deep sigh before speaking again, "The truth is I like you!" he blurted.


I took a step back in shock.

"I like you, so that's why I always did that. I thought... well, maybe that way I'd always be on your mind like you were on mine. I just wanted to have something with you even if it was something as stupid as that," he said in exasperation.

I still couldn't believe my ears, and my mouth was hanging open in shock.

"Y/n.. I think I love you."

That was the icing on the cake for me. I couldn't process what he was saying. I didn't want to process what he was saying. I took several step backs, but Renjun caught my arm.

He pulled me in until I hit his chest and met his eyes with mine. I felt something for him I don't think I had ever felt before, or had ever wanted to admit feeling or acknowledge in the past. My heart was leaping out of my chest, and my stomach was in knots.

"Please... let's give us a try," he whispered, holding my gaze.

Renjun leaned in, and I didn't make any moves to stop him. As I closed my eyes, I felt our lips move in sync and his hands travel around my waist. His lips were soft, sweet, and intoxicating.

Renjun pulled away from me with a breath.

"Be mine?"

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