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Angst but as always with a happy ending. Well maybe, who knows. Tried to avoid writing sad stuff in this but the heart wants what the heart wants.

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Drunken Behaviour

It was evening time, and I was cooking dinner quite late. I should have eaten about three hours ago, but that's what I get for not finishing my course work on time. I had procrastinated for too long, so I needed to rush to submit before deadline, very last minute.

Now, the smell of tangy spices mixed with the air. I found peace in cooking no matter how stressed I was, but suddenly, loud knocks on the door had interrupted that.

"I'm coming!" I shouted out in annoyance, the banging only getting worse by the second. Whoever it was would get an earful. I held my stirring stick in hand as I rushed to the door.

"Who the hell has been-"

The door opened, and before I could register what was happening, a large body flew through. Arms flung around my neck, and I stepped back in shock. My eyes were met with familiar dark locs that buried themselves into my shoulder.

"Jaehyun, what the hell!" I tried to pushed him off, but his large frame wouldn't budge. "You smell like," I sniffed the air, "alcohol." My nose scrunched up in disgust.

Jaehyun wasn't a heavy drinker. Not when we were together anyway, so to see him in that state made my heart hurt. But also furious, he had intruded my privacy well into the middle of the night.

I sighed in annoyance and closed the door, Jaehyun's arms still wrapped firmly around my neck. The sound of soft sobs reached my ears and my body stilled. Was he really crying?

I placed a hand hesitantly on his back, and he pulled me in closer. I had somehow missed this warm feeling - the feeling of his body on mine.
My thumb ran circles on his back as his soft crying hushed.

"Y/n..." Jaehyun pulled away from me. I could now see his face clearly, and it tugged at my heart. Jaehyun looked disheveled, his dark brown hair was a mess, looking like it had been ran through too many time to count, and his eyes were deep set with heavy bags underneath. His skin was pale, and sickly so.

"Jaehyun, what's wrong..." I asked out to him gingerly. One voice raise and I was sure he would break down then and there, and I didn't know if I could ever pick up the pieces.

Jaehyun stared into my eyes longingly before answering, "Y/n, please take me back."

I reeled back in shock - that's not exactly what I was expecting. A drunken spew, yes, but not an almost impossible demand. Seeing him like this was breaking my heart, but I didn't know if I could bare it any longer.

"Please, I am begging you," he clasped his hands together and shook them frantically. His body shook with his pleas.

"Jae, it's been a year-"

"Please!" He dropped to his knees, and I stepped back in deep surprise. I had never seen Jaehyun like this in my life. In our past relationship, I don't think I could ever recall even seeing him cry.

Jaehyun grovelled on his knees, tears escaping as he begged. My heart ached.

"Jaehyun, get up," I pleaded. I couldn't take seeing him so weakened, so vulnerable. I looked away and shut my eyes.

"This past year, I have been a dead man walking, y/n. I've been lost, so, so, so lost without you. Please forgive me, please," Jaehyun sobbed.

I gnawed harshly on my bottom lip. After all he had done, I didn't know if I could take him back. He had neglected me too much, he had neglected our baby too much. The reminder of the pain from my miscarriage made me wince my eyes. I exhaled with a raggedy breath.

"I know what I did to you was disgusting. I know you think of me as pathetic, and I am pathetic, but just give me a chance, one chance, to prove to you that I can be a better man."

I gripped at my chest as I opened my eyes to meet his. He was broken, but he was sincere. These weren't the words of a dishonest man, these were the words of a broken soul. My body trembled as I looked at his heaving, knelt form.

"I'll... I'll take you back," My voice was barely above a whisper, but Jaehyun had caught it.

His body sprang to life as he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist as if he couldn't bare to let me go for another moment. We stayed in that position for awhile, drowning in our unspoken silence, before he pulled away from me. His eyes met mine and travelled down to my lips, lingering there.

I felt my body lean forward and my lips met his. We moved slowly, at an unmatched rhythm. It was unlike any kiss we had ever had before - this one held emotion, this one told me a story.

I pulled away from him with the softest of smiles.

He tasted like vanilla and tears.

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