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2am exams

I sighed as I shut my eyes. I don't know why I expected the book to be gone when I opened them, it was silly really. In an impulsive fit of rage, I threw the book across the room. I looked at the book in pitiful anger and exhaled before being interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in," I murmured. I wasn't bothered enough to pick up my books.

"I brought donuts and netflix!" a deep voice rang, before the door opened and a head of brown hair popped through.

"Kunnnnn. Leave. Unlike you, I'm trying to study here," I wailed, burrowing my head onto my desk.

Kun tsked and I heard a plop on the bed from behind me. "You'll be fine. You know those books inside out. Knowing you, you probably even did extra," he told me, swinging his legs.

"Now come sit," he chirped, patting the area of the bed beside him.

I turned unwillingly, and he held up a white chocolate ganache donut and waved it around. I struggled to suppress a smile. I walked over to him sluggishly at first before giving in and diving unto the other side of the bed.

"So donuts could bring the olympic swimmer out of you but not your boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes and snatched the donut out of his hand to take a bite. He kept reminding me about his relationship proposal, and it wasn't soon before I'd get annoyed. Kun was a lot of things I wanted, but these exams were more important.

I laid my head down and revelled in short-lived happiness. Keywords; short-lived.

"C'mon, say something..." Kun pleaded, his minty breath fanning my face. I ignored him and kept my eyes closed.

A moment had passed so I presumed he was eating. I felt three quick pecks on my cheek and shot up from the bed. Kun gave me a boyish grin before opening his laptop. I wanted to speak, but I was surprisingly lost for words. Instead, I let him wrap us up in a blanket and choose a rom-com. His arm circled around my waist and my head rested on his broad shoulder. Every so often, he'd let me take a bite of his donut.

We were like that for awhile, and I almost forgot about the life altering exams I had to take tommorrow. Almost. But with Kun, there was a lingering air of assurance. The thought was pushed into the deepest depths of my mind.

I glanced up at him in the dark. The light from the screen illuminated his face, and I saw the movie reflecting in his eyes. I held a lingering kiss on the corner of his lips. A secret told in the dark. He grinned and pulled me closer.

For now it was OK.

With him it was always ok.

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