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Group project [pt 1]

As the amount of people left for the professor to call on dwindled, I wondered who I would be grouped with. My last group in this class wasn't exactly ideal, and by not ideal I mean I did all the work myself.

The four of us that were left were subsequently paired together despite barely knowing each other. One of the last names struck me though.


Everyone knew who he was, be it by word of mouth or seeing his parents mention him on tv. It was a shock when he attended this school, but I guess it made people think his parents were humble. He, though, was far from it. He was well known for his stuck up and perfectionist attitude.

I felt a stare burn into my side and saw that he was already looking at me. I guessed he was as dissatisfied as I was. Our eye contact did not break and I stared into his doe, fiery eyes as if to challenge him. He gave me equal energy.
Our stare was unbroken until the professor clasped his hands and called us to gather in our groups for the last five minutes.

The people in the classroom hummed, chuckled, and shuffled before we all sat in our groups. Doyoung was sat across from me, stance rigid and arms crossed. He exuded a sort of cocky confidence I was struggling to match. I didn't realise we were once again in some sort of staring contest until another member spoke up.

"Hey, are you guys alright there?" the brunette girl said. It broke some of the weird tension, and in turn, I felt my face burn up. I thanked God for my melanated skin as I looked away from him.

The girl once again broke the silence as she brought out her phone and spoke, "I don't think I'll be able to help you guys.. My grandma's sick." She huffed.

I nodded. It was an excuse I'd heard a thousand times, but how could I verify that her grandma wasn't sick? I'd just be seen as insensitive. I looked over to Doyoung for his reaction, but his face still remained glue to mine in a stoic manner. I coughed awkwardly. Something about him made me feel small.

"Eh.. yeah, I won't be able to make it either you guys. My dog.. and cat died. Yes, they both died," the fourth member said, scratching his head.

I raised a brow at him and mumbled insincere condolences. I felt the heat of eyes leave my face and looked over at Doyoung. He wasn't staring at anything in particular. I was beginning to wonder if I could ask the professor to work alone.

"Alright class," our professor said with a raised voice, clasping his hands together loudly, "you may leave."

The girl and guy I hadn't really bothered to learn the name of shot up, and people from the class exited like as if someone was hot on their heels. Doyoung and I stood slowly, and I was acutely aware of his domineering presence.
I bit my lip as I watched him leave the classroom.

"Wait!" I called out to him.

I turned my head away in embarrassment, there were still a few people left in the classroom, not to mention the professor himself. Sucking it up, I jogged over to him. His eyes never once left my figure.

"Doyoung, right?" I said holding out my hand and meeting his eyes. I couldn't allow myself to be intimidated by him... no matter how hot he was.

We stood near the entrance with my hand lazily held out and our eyes intensely interlocked. I was snapped out of my daze when he suddenly turned to leave.

Well, that was fucking rude.

I wanted to go after him and give him a piece of my mind, but suddenly I heard my phone ping and opened it to see a text from an unknown number.

My address is 5 Hamilton lane, Haston avenue, Ridgewood place - Doyoung.

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