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I looked over at Jaehyun through my full length mirror. He was laid down on my bed behind me with his phone in hand as my fingers untangled my coarse hair. He didn't notice me staring at him, and I scoffed as I saw him bite his lip at his phone.

"Once a fuckboy always a fuckboy.." I mumbled to myself in targeted annoyance. Jaehyun's ears seemed to perk up at this, as he looked up from his phone.

"What did you say, babe?" he asked me lightly. I chose not go answer him and instead focused on detangling my hair. I was getting more and more irritated by it with each passing second.

"Babe, what did you say?" he asked again, this time sitting up. He put his phone down, and I knew that he could sense that something was off with me. I cursed him and his darned empathetic self.

"Babe.." he whined, climbing off my bed and coming over to me to give me a back hug. I wanted to smile, but I held it down. I couldn't give him the satisfaction just yet. Instead, I fake scoffed at him.

Jaehyun's lips tugged upwards as he began to massage my ass. I turned around and lightly hit his chest. "And why are you palming my ass, sir?"

"Because it's my ass to palm," he replied blankly in a matter of fact way. It was as if it wasn't even a question.

I tried to suppress my laugh, but a smile got through. His arms wrapped around me didn't move as he leaned down closer to me. "I see that smile babygirl." He grinned, exposing his dimples. I felt the urge to poke them, but remembered I had to keep my cool.

I removed his hands from my waist and went to sit down on the edge of my bed, looking away from him in faked annoyance. He proceeded to follow me and kneel down in front of me, placing his hands on my brown thighs and kneading them. As his hands inched further upwards, I nearly forgot why I wanted to be angry at him.

"Why were you biting your lip at your phone?" I breathed out quickly, breaking our comfortable silence. I had to get it in before we got carried away and ran late for our movie date. He insisted we watch goddamn iron man.

Jaehyun looked away from my thighs and up at my face with a raised brow. He laughed softly at me as I tried to keep a straight face. His hands continued to knead upwards, and I felt the coolness of his silver rings run permeate through my skin. The feelings in the pit of my stomach told me I'd lose all senses soon if I didn't do something.

"Is that it?" he started with a deep laugh, " I was looking at the menus of places we could get dinner after." My put on annoyed expression fell as he continued. "I mean, they did have some sexy ass spaghetti."

I looked down at my lap with a sigh. I didn't actually think he'd ever do something bad, but my plan had failed miserably.

"What, did you think I was cheating or something?" he asked curiously. He began to inch close to me, and I reeled back slightly.

"On you, never," he lowered his voice as climbed unto the bed and stalked closer towards me. He looked like a predator, and I was his prey, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I'm offended really.." he whispered down at me huskily. My body was now laid down on the bed and he hovered above me, his chain dangling from his neck and his hands placed firmly on my thighs.

"I guess I'll just have to show you my dedication."

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