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Study Date

Everyone knew that Haechan had a crush on me. He had never said it outright, but it was painfully obvious. It was hard having to watch his friends hype him up before he tried to approach me then proceed to lose his guts and turn right back around again. I had to pretend as if I hadn't seen his failed numerous attempts each time. I smiled to myself - this time I had decided that it was time to take initiative.

"You're Donghyuck, right?"

Haechan jumped in surprise as I approached his table and stared up at me wide eyed. His eyes darted from side to side, and I had to force myself to suppress a smile. I had chosen the time when he was alone, the time when he wouldn't have the words of his friends whispering in his ears.

"Donghyuck, yeah. Donghyuck or Haechan," Haechan said slowly, a little bit confused, but overall still in awe.

"So, Hyuckie," Haechan visibly tensed at the name, a light blush dusting over his golden cheeks, "can I sit here?"

He nodded eagerly at first before relaxing, thinking he was probably embarrassing himself. I laughed, taking the seat next to him as he brushed his things off. I looked over his study table; his work was a mess and sat on top of it was his phone that seemed to have some car game playing on silent. I snorted a laugh as I saw the realisation dawn on him, and he quickly cleared up his things.

"I'm y/n."

"I know," Haechan said blankly before clearing his throat. "I mean I don't know, know," he corrected, "I think I've seen you in my class for my physics course."

I raised a brow- just seeing was a bit of an understatement. I could feel him stare at me every time I stepped into the room, usually all the way up until the class had ended. I didn't mention it, though, but maybe I'd bring it up further on into the relationship. Yes, I was determined.

"Mr Moon, right? That's actually why I came here, I had a problem and wanted to ask if you could help me?" And that was at least partially true because with as much time as Haechan spent staring at me instead of working, he was actually one of the top of the class. Haechan nodded in understanding, now seeming to visibly relax.

"I think I have some free time," Haechan said, looking away as if thinking about his nonexistent schedule. "Yeah, let me help you."

I grinned at him before pulling out my work and showing him the problem I was stuck on, Haechan pursing his lips into a thin line at the sight of the unsolved math. He turned in, all remnants of shyness now gone, and began to explain how to work out the problem step by step, eyebrows creased in unnerving concentration. I slipped an unnoticeable piece of paper under one of his books as he got busy.

To my surprise, Haechan was actually a relatively good teacher, but I didn't know if that was saying much considering I had figured out the question before I'd even brought it to him. Getting bored of his explanations, I let my bare, brown thighs touch his under the table and watched as he stuttered his next words, pencil skidding lightly over the page.

"What were you saying?" I asked innocently, leaning in closer to him, so close that I could hear his steady breaths. I chose not to remove my thigh though, because he was quite fun to tease. Haechan flushed before continuing to explain the long problem, and I sighed in content as I watched his soft, plump lips move.

It wasn't up to a minute later, before I noticed his friends stalking towards us with mischievous glints in their eyes. I only knew some of their names. Mark because he was the star of our school's soccer team, and Jeno because he did theatre, but everyone else was a bit of a blur.

"Hey Duckie," Jeno called out, glancing at me again before speaking, and Donghyuck looked up, nose scrunched in annoyance, eyes practically begging for them to leave. "You're on a study date?"

"What- I- no," he hissed at them, and I saw him gesture over to me with the slight nod of his head like he wanted his friends to leave. I could tell his friends had other plans.

"I think I'll get going now," I said slowly, knowing they were about to get rowdy. If all went well, I could meet his friends another time.

"No!" all of his friends yelled at once and Haechan groaned beside me in embarrassment. "No, stay. We were about to get going now anyways, just checking up on our guy here. Thank you for the hundred dollars you gave me for free man," one of his friends, the pink haired one, said as he slapped him on his back, and Donghyuck blushed.

"Yeah, and thanks for borrowing me your car, super nice of you dude," another one said.

And then another friend followed suit, "And thanks for babysitting my little sister over the weekend, you're a lifesaver."

Haechan groaned loudly before more of them could continue, and I had to stifle a laugh at the display so as not to attract even more attention than we already had. I could already see a letter from the university's library telling me I had to pay a fee for being too loud.

"Sorry about that, y/n," Haechan said, rubbing his neck sheepishly, the warmth of his face travelling down and creeping under his shirt. I waved him off with a dismissive hand before standing up, books in hand.

"I seriously have got to go, I have a class in a few minutes." His friends nodded in understanding. I smiled at them before leaning down to Haechan's ear, feeling the air around him tensing, before whispering for him to check for something underneath his books. Haechan gulped as I pulled away, and I waved at his friends who had been staring at me, stunned. I then made my way to the exit of the library, a grin tugging on my lips.

When I looked back, Haechan was staring at me with his jaw dropped and my piece of paper in his hands, his friends prodding at him to tell him what it said and making far too much noise than a library really should have allowed. I could tell any one of them if they asked though, it was no big deal. Just my name, my number, all of that followed up a heart and a simple message;

Call me baby, xoxo.

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