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Football Captain pt 2 (because some people were so nice in my comments. thank you.)

The halls were beyond busy during Valentines Week, and this had always been one of the busiest weeks, in turn, for the Cheer Squad. The University was dirt poor, or just really fucking cheap, and they had been cutting our funds slowly as the years went by, knowing there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it. And so, now our team was left to raise funds by ourselves - some people were running booths, others were hosting events, but Ten and I had been tasked with the simple job of sending letters.

Valentine letters.

"What poor soul do we have to embarrass next?" I asked Ten who was sifting through the pile of senders.

I had insisted we make sending the letters more expensive, but the majority of our squad had voted on making it dirt cheap, and that had only left us to deal with so many of them. It was giving me an eyesore seeing all the pink and purple hues like a pile of love vomit on the floor. "Huh? Jeno again?" I reeled in disbelief, stepping forward as Ten held out another card with Jeno's name on it.

"Yeah, like, half of these cards are his. Over half. I can't even believe it... On second thought, I sorta can," Ten said thoughtfully. He then gestured to a stack of letters beside him on the floor, and I crouched down to go through them. Ten wasn't kidding, nor was he over-exaggerating, all of the addresses on the cards were to Jeno, Jeno, Jeno.


I felt a pang in my chest, hot, bitter, and heavy, prickling and settling there at the sight of the cards scattered beneath my feet. These girls and guys were fooling themselves going for someone like Jeno - it would only be a recipe for heartbreak. We had already delivered three to the infamous football captain, and I thought that would have been the last of it, but that seemed to not be the case - what was there? Fifty more? A hundred? It was ridiculous. And Ten and I were well aware of what he'd do when we delivered it.

"A card for me?" Jeno asked as he leaned back into the cafeteria chair, teetering dangerously, but he was always a man who preferred to live on the edge. He took the card from my fingers delicately and opened up its contents. After one swift glance through the writing, he stood up, walked over to bin, and tore the card in. Ten and I visibly winced, praying that whoever addressed that card had chosen not to get their lunch at that time.

Jeno turned to me then, eyebrows raised. "You know that's not the one that I want."

The memory was so... was so frustrating. To know that people's hearts had been crushed right in front of them? Just like that? I wasn't looking for such heartbreak. "We have to deliver these cards more quietly," I said, looking up at Ten with determination in my eyes. Ten looked back at me, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "We can't let him... We can't let him do what's he's been doing to the other cards - at least, not in public. He can do whatever he wants with them in his free time, but the people who sent these..."

Ten nodded in understanding. "That's a pretty good idea. I mean, we've had a couple rejections so far, but none so harsh. Jeno's going way too far with it."

"Come," I told him, standing up from where I had knelt down to survey the pile, "I know where we can drop these off in a more private place."

Ten stood up after me, and together we got a bag to put all the cards in. I ran my fingers over the edge of the last one softly, heart aching for whoever was to be hurt by him next. I knew better than to give my heart to a guy like that, Jeno was a game player, and I wouldn't be another notch under his belt. It probably boosted his ego to see all the gifts he received, and he didn't even deserve it. I placed the last card in carefully before nodding at Ten, and we went off.

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