
5.2K 134 43

Thank you for 2k! Coincidentally, there's only two more members before this is officially ot21!

This may also get a part 2 or I may come back to make it longer, we'll see.

Football Captain

All the guys and girls on my university's cheerleading team had a boyfriend, and surprise, surprise, it was a member of the football team. It seemed to be a ritual, a must to get with one of the football players, as after all, we cheered for them at their games and we practiced at opposite ends of the field. We saw each other a lot more than we needed to, so it made sense we were paired together.

Me on the the other hand? I would happily stay single forever if it meant that I didn't have to date one of those arrogant, stuck up assholes. It's hard already because regular students leave the cheerleaders to the footballers and one particular member seemed to have lay claim on me, deterring every future partner that would even attempt to talk to me.

Lee Jeno. The captain of the football team.

He was exuded superiority and demanded attention, something I never gave him the time of the day for. That seemed to piss him off, the fact that I wasn't kissing his ass, and thus, he took interest in me. Now, he just plainly won't leave me alone.

So, after our usual pregame practice, Jeno and his goonies came over to us. I scowled as I rested on the grass, Jeno's build obscuring my view of the sun.

"How was practice, babe?" Jeno questioned with an arrogant smirk. He was topless, with his shirt slung on his shoulders and his torso in full display. Sweat trickled down from his hair and glistened on his body. He pushed a hand through his dark hair and flexed as if he knew I was watching him.

"Don't call me that," I spat, looking away, in mild shame for the fact that I had caught myself staring at his body at all.

Jeno's smile widened until it formed crescents in his eyes. It may have been the heat getting to me, or maybe it was the way the sun beat down on him at just the right angle, or maybe it was even that cocky smile that I so desperately wanted to wipe off. Whatever it was, Jeno looked good in that moment. Really good.

I stood up with my pompoms and looked back at my girls to leave. Jeno was looking at me like he was waiting for a compliment, something I'd never give him. It'd inflate his already massive ego.

My friends were snuggled up to Jeno's cronies, and I rolled my eyes. They always left me alone with Jeno like this, and our coaches were flirting on the other side of the field. I'd have to walk to the locker room alone.

Jeno did nothing but cross his arms as I walked away. But the glint in his eyes was eerily mischievous.

The locker room was deathly quiet, but peaceful compared to all the outside buzz. I changed into my normal clothes and began to pack my bag so I could head home and get some well deserved rest. But of course things never go to plan, especially when Lee Jeno is around.

The door to the changing room swung open and my eyes widened in shock as Jeno stepped in, still shirtless, still just as handsome, but still carrying himself as if he owned the world.

"What are you doing in here?" I hissed, "you could get suspended if you get caught in here by yourself, let alone with one of us."

"I just wanted to ask a question," Jeno said casually, taking a few steps towards me.

"What is it exactly that you don't like about me?" Jeno rounded a bench and came towards me. "Is it perhaps the way I walk?"

I took a step back.

Jeno stroked his chin, "Is it the way I talk?" his voice dropped an octave as he took another step and my back hit against a locker. He had cornered me, and my heart was beating unnaturally fast.

"Or is it something physical?" He was right in front of me, and I was painfully aware of his lack of clothing. His abs could still be seen under the dim light - they were close enough to touch if I so much as moved my fingertips forward.

"You don't like my hair? Or maybe it's my lips?" his dark eyes travelled down to my lips, and I bit them, my breath stuck in my throat.

"So, y/n, what is it exactly?" Jeno tilted his head, his eyes travelling back from my lips to my eyes. I caught his gaze and prayed to God he couldn't hear my heartbeat. Jeno did his signature eye smile and took a step back.

"I think it's none of those," he said finally. I exhaled as he stepped away, my body visibly relaxing. "If anything, y/n, I think you actually like me."

His words stirred something to me, and I snapped out of my daze, finally finding my voice. "In your dreams you asshole." I pushed him further away from me, and he laughed.

I grabbed my bags and sped walked out of the locker room, seething, and not daring to give him a glance back - not daring to confront the feeling that had stirred in my stomach and wrapped around my chest.

"No, but I'll be in yours!" he called out with a laugh as I shut the door.

Fuck you Lee Jeno. Fuck you and your damn arrogant, cocky, beautiful self.

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