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I planned to publish this last mini oneshot after I had completed making this ot23. I seriously feel like just leaving this book here, so I'll probably finish off the last few members as the months pass by. I'll mark it as complete for now just in case. I'm sorry <3

As this is the last oneshot, you can choose what member this is as it's told from his POV. Thank you for reading this.


I wrapped my hands around her waist gently and rested my head on her shoulders. She smiled softly and continued to fix her hair in the mirror.

"You look gorgeous," I told her, my voice oozing sincerity.

Y/n smiled again, but it didn't reach her eyes. It was different from her usual ones, this one was a 'thank you, but I don't believe it' smile. I hated those ones.

I stood straight and spun her around. A pretty hand landed on my chest. She had pretty hands. She had pretty everything.

"Why don't you believe me?"

She gave me a sarcastic deadpan. "I was doing something," she groaned.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. It frustrated me that she didn't get it. "Leave your hair alone for a second please, it doesn't matter what hairstyle you do anyways, you'll still look ethereal," I said, twirling a piece around my finger.

There it was again, the 'thank you but I don't believe it' smile.

"Stop smiling like that."

"What? You were just complimenting me a second ago," she laughed softly. I could listen to that sound forever.

"Well I love your smile." I leaned down to kiss her.

"Your nose." I pecked it.

"Your eyes," I said, gazing into them. I unfailingly got lost in them each and every time.

"Your hips, I feel like they were carved especially for my hands to be placed," I mumbled, caressing them.

"Your height, your ears, your cheekbones, your skin tone, your birthmarks, your belly button, your legs-"

Y/n cut me off with a loud laugh, waving a hand around. I gazed at her in appreciation, and she smiled widely at me. Those were the eyes I had fallen in love with.

"And I love that smile... Not the one that makes you feel less than you are, even though you are more than full, more than enough, more than gorgeous, more than funny, more than what I could ever put into words... So please continue smiling. Just make sure it's the right one."

Her dark skin tinted the lightest shade of red, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I took in her sweet scent as she leaned forward to kiss me.

Her lips were coated with the sweetest of honeys, and I could feel myself drowning in pools of it. I was never the one to break off our kisses, but she always did for sharp draws of air. She leaves me so intoxicated I forget to breath.

"How did the golden girl ever fall for a dumb guy like me?" I chuckled.

It was her turn to look at me sternly.

"I love you," she said simply.

Her words were velvet.

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