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Group project [pt 2/2]

I was confused when the taxi dropped me off at the address it did. I even double checked with the taxi man, but he assured me we were at the correct place, before he sped off and left me in the dust. By Doyoung's pompous attitude, I presumed he was rich but not this rich. This... this was way out of my league.

As I went over to the side gate of the large mansion, I rang a small bell, still scared that they'd mistake me for a robber or something and shoot me on sight. Or perhaps that was only in movies. Either way, I came a bit underdressed, and I felt like I should have been wearing a formal dress and heels.

Suddenly, a man's voice came through an intercom, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Who are you?" he asked me in a curt, rude manner. I quietly told him my name and that Doyoung had invited me. He was silent for a moment before answering me. "I shall ask the young master," He grunted before the receiver clipped off with a beep.

Doyoung was really surpassing my expectations here. I mean, young master? Really? It was unlike anything I'd ever had to face before. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised at this, I had only gotten into this university on a full ride scholarship. I had PTSD from seeing the tuition prices, but Doyoung clearly was able to pay them with ease.

The intercom beeped back on and the rude man was back on the line. "Enter," he told me gruffly before quickly turning it off.

I stepped back as the mansion's large black gates opened. I suddenly felt knots in my stomach now that I actually had to enter, and it was overwhelming. I stepped in carefully and followed the long, decorated path to the front door. His garden was huge and filled with bright, blooming flowers. Maids and landscapers trimmed away at his large trees.

As I walked closer to the front door, I saw Doyoung standing at the front of it with his arms crossed expectantly.

My expression soured. Jackass.

"Took you long enough. I requested you to arrive at," He paused to look down at his watch, "Four o'clock. You're late." His voice was clipped and coated with annoyance.

"It's only been twenty five minutes," I retorted, standing up for myself.

"Twenty five minutes too late. Come on, y/n," he answered me in clear vexation before turning around to walk back into his house, expecting me to follow like a dog.... and I'm embarassed to admit I that I did go after him like a dog. I didn't know the ins and out of his house and his speed walking wasn't helping. Some of the maids looked at me in surprise while others wore a coy smile.

I stared at his broad, muscular back as I followed him up the winding steps and into a large bedroom. It was larger than my damn kitchen. I sat on the edge of his bed and clutched my bag to my chest tightly. Doyoung only laughed in response.

"I wouldn't get up to any funny business with you," he said in amusement, showing his straight, white teeth.

It kind of stung.

I picked up my slightly faltered expression and scoffed. I couldn't let him know that he could get to me. "So where do we start?" I asked him with faked anger. Truthfully, my stomach was in knots and being alone with Doyoung made me feel different. A bad different.

"Here," he replied shortly as he walked over to a small desk. It was big enough to accommodate three people, so I sat at the furthest end away from him and took out my books in the middle. Doyoung raised a shaped brow as if entertained by my actions. He made no comments, as he sat down at the other end and we began our work.

The sun was setting, and his room was slowly getting darker, as I finished the remainder of my workload. Doyoung had taken the heavier half of it but had finished up before me, and he chose to close his eyes and lean back in his chair, waiting for me to catch up.

I looked over at him and fiddled with my work, unsure of whether I should wake him. Fortunately, I didn't have to.

"I can feel you staring at me.." his deep voiced came out in a tired whisper. Doyoung sat up as I looked away from him. He put down my books that were diving us and moved his chair over dangerously close to mine. I could feel our thighs touch.

"Let me take a look..." he ordered lowly, shifting his body closer to mine and peering at the words written in my laptop. I let out slow, heavy breaths as the time passed. I couldn't tell if I was anxious about his peer review or if it was something else nagging at me.

"You made a mistake here."

He turned to look at me, and I was on high alert about our proximity. Doyoung cooly placed a large had on my thigh as my breathing tightened. "You didn't notice this typo?" he questioned, cocking his head. I shook my own head quickly in response.

The moment that passed between us felt like eternity as he stared at me, his eyes travelling from my eyes to my lips. I felt my breathing constrict as his casually placed hand inched up my thigh.

I let out a heavy breath of relief when his room door abruptly opened, and an older lady popped her head in. We both had turned to look at her.

"Doyoung honey, dinner's- oh.." She stopped once she saw me. I recognised her to be Doyoung's mother as she took her time to look between the both of us. Doyoung made no movements away from me and I, myself, was cornered by him.

"Would you like to join us for dinner?"


Doyoung's hand squeezed the body of my thigh.

"She would love to."

Could honestly turn this into a story if I found the effort. This is the last part, though, before it gets out of hand.

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