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The bright sun obscured my vision as I tried to spot Ten at the far away ice-cream stand on the edge of the beach. I sighed when I realised that he was too far gone to spot and instead rested my body in the warm sand. I used my hands to cover the sun from my eyes while I laid in wait. If he didn't come back soon, I would shrivel up.

I heard heavy footsteps approaching and peeked through my hands. A large man was looking down at me with a coy smile and inviting eyes. I shifted back from him in surprise.

"Hi, I'm Jaebum," he greeted at me, running a hand through his dark hair. I stood up hesitantly and looked past him for Ten.
"You can call me Jae, though," he continued, grabbing my attention.

I looked back at him skeptically - we didn't know each other so why did he think we were going to be buddy buddy and use nicknames? I felt tempted to give him a fake name but decided against it.

"I'm Y/n," I answered him shortly with an exasperated tone, but he didn't seem deterred. If anything, his grin got wider.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing all alone on the beach? You must at least have some friends with you? Either that or I lucked out," he laughed.

I crossed my arms and looked past his shoulder. I saw Ten approach us with a confused expression.

"You're not going to answer me? Fair enough. I only need the answer to one question anyway." He smiled, placing his hands on his hips. Beyond him, Ten's brows wrinkled, and he sped up his walking.

"So... what's your number?" he asked, reaching out to place a hand on my arm. Before I could react, a familiar hand pulled his shoulder back and the new guy stumbled back in surprise. Ten snaked his arm around my waist with an angered expression.

"She's got a boyfriend, so no thanks," he answered for me, irritably.

Jack, or whatever his name was, looked Ten up and down when he regained his composure. It was as if he was assessing him. Ten noticed this and stepped forward.

"You got a problem?"

I quickly tugged at Ten's hawaiian shirt to calm him down. The guy looked between us and smirked cockily before raising his hands in surrender. "You weren't that cute anyways."

Ten took steps forward again, and I hell him back with a laugh as the guy walked away. We all knew what he said was a damn lie. I looked at Ten's tense form and could no longer hold in my burst of laughter. He wasn't very intimidating with his colourful t-shirt and melting ice cream.

Ten calmed and sighed, pulling me into his chest. "This bikini is going to drive me nuts."

"You're so cute when your jealous." I pecked his nose. I took my melting ice cream from his hands and licked it. Ten just looked at me and scoffed, baffled.

"I could never be jealous, you're already mine, and we're secure." He had said it so confidently that for a second I doubted if he was jealous at all. "Fucking prick touching my girl," he mumbled to himself, pulling me closer.

On second thought, I was right.

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