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Coffee shop

As I sat down in my usual spot, the familiar pair of eyes found my body once more. This was our usual routine. I'd come here on Fridays at five pm and and he would be already sat down with his drink and stare at me not-so-subtly until I left. This time was a bit different though - he had a friend with him.

I silently sipped my drink, scrolling through my phone. It felt weirder with two unwavering pair of eyes on me. One pair of eyes came forward, and for some reason, I silently hoped that it would be the cat-like boy. Something in me knew it wasn't, and I was right.

"Hi, I'm Lucas," a deep voice called for my attention; and I looked up sharply. I masked my disappointment and smiled at the large, happy man.

"Nice to meet you," I held out a hand. From the corner of my eye, I could see the smaller boy blush. Lucas' large hands enveloped mine in a firm shake and he let go with a grin. "My friend has a crush on you."

My eyes widened. I didn't expect him to be so.. direct. And by the looks of it, his friend hadn't expect it either as he shot up from his seat with a yelp.


He made his way to us with posthaste, a heavy blush over his sharp cheeks. I tried to meet his doe eyes, but he looked down at his feet in embarrassment. "Lucas, let's go," he nudged the larger boy with a forced whisper.

Lucas rolled his eyes and laughed. "She's right here, just say something." He pointed a finger at me.

The man shifted his feet but finally met my eyes with a blush. We stared at each other for a short while as this was the first time we'd ever semi-spoken or even came close to one another. I hadn't imagined this day to be so soon. I didn't mind our silent coffee shop endeavours, but this was certainly an upgrade.

"Hi.. I'm Xiaojun." He put put out a hand, and I softly shook it. It was slightly clammy - I could tell he was nervous. It was cute.

"I'm Y/n," I said, standing up. Lucas clasped his hands eagerly.

"I was wondering if I could maybe, possibly, only if you want to, of course, get your number?" he said the last part so shyly that I was lucky to have caught it. I tucked some hair behind my ear and nodded with a small smile.

His fingers brushed mine as we exchanged contacts. I gnawed on my bottom lip as we stared at each other, not knowing what to say. Should I ask him to leave with me? What next?

"Now kiss!"


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