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I had been feeling eyes on me for awhile now. They were burned into the side or even back of my head. Sometimes in.. odder places, but each time the culprit remained the same.

Looking towards my left, I saw him through the corner of my eye. His fiery red hair made him stand out from the rest of the people conversing on his wide table. He caught my eye and looked down quickly, shyly, his ears turning cherry red.

I didn't feel his eyes on me for awhile after that, and somehow I missed that burning sensation, disappointment coursing through
me. That tingly feeling I get in the pit of my stomach from his stares died down, and I let it. My friend nudged me and laughed, bringing me out of my head momentarily.

"Are you ok? You looked spaced out for a second, and your eyes looked a bit dreamy," she laughed and I awkwardly laughed along. We didn't ponder on me for too long before moving unto the next topic of distant interest.

My phone signalled that it was time for class, and I being the reluctant sloth I am, perhaps out of disappointment or just pure laziness, packed up my things slowly as my friends rushed out to class. Part of me slowed my movements in hope that maybe that red-haired guy would say something to me. I had been hoping this in vain for a few weeks now, yet I do it unfailingly each time I saw him on campus. I was embarrassed for myself.

Once again, he didn't approach, and I wasn't bothered enough to mask my disappointed sigh. I should get a grip. Maybe my mind was imagining him looking at me after all.
I readjusted my bag on my shoulder and quickened my pace to class.

Suddenly, I heard running behind me and someone called out my name loudly. It was a voice I wasn't accustomed to, nor had I heard of before. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face the familiar red haired boy once again. He halted, barely arms length from me.

"I-uh, you left your pen back there on the table.." he began, slightly out of breath and holding a red fountain pen out. I noticed that his ears once again matched the pen's ink and smiled smally. It was cute. I took the pen from his hand, although it wasn't mine. I don't even think I left a scrap of paper on that table. I was annoyingly meticulous.

His hand brushed mine, and I felt that fimiliar tingle rush through my spine. I looked up at the red head, and his eyes were already roaming my form. I was ashamed to call myself a feminist, how could I when I was more than happily being objectified? I'm sure my eyes returned the favour too. I don't know how long we stared at each other in subtle awe and acute recognition before he finally spoke.

"I'm Taeil."

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