Chapter 1: Prologue

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A/N: So this is my very first story that is going live. I just wanted to say that I hope anyone who reads this enjoys, and to please leave comments explaining things that you like, hate, or would hope to see improved throughout the story. Again I hope anyone who reads this enjoys. 

Gunfire and flames erupted around you as you made your way to the kid's room. Your one goal was to make sure he escaped. You passed countless bodies knowing you caused this. All these kind people are dead because of you.

You reach the children's room. A light breaking through the black clouds. Becca lying on the floor dead, and the child's cage open. The world freezes around you as thoughts of that young boy run in your mind. The things they would do to him.

Abel: Ah there you are, kid.

You turn around to see Abel. A tall man with different colored eyes. His voice gravelly in tone.

You: This is the children's room.

You see Abel smile as he goes and examines the cages.

Abel: I don't see any kids in here, Y/N.

You: Then I don't know where they are. This is where they kept them.

You give a light sigh.

You: Let's just go finish the raid.

You walk out of the room to finish your job.


Two more years pass. At this point it had just become routine. The days blurring together. You would wake up for either a mission, training, or spend the day staring at the wall of your solitary cell. Though through your time here you noticed that the commander has given you some special treatment. You have no clue if it's a good or bad thing.

Despite all that there was a ray of hope. Your sister Maggie was the only thing you cared about. You rarely get to see her, but those times you do are what keep you alive. Every time you saw her, she looked worse. They weren't taking care of her, and it showed. Every time you saw her fragile state you would break down in tears. All you could do is apologize and try to bring her hope that you would get them out one day.

???: Attention Soldier!

That all too familiar voice called breaking you from your trance. You then stood up straightening your spine a dead expression planted on your face. A pile of clothes then smacks onto the ground in front of you.

Lilly: Get dressed and then Sargent Jay will escort you to the briefing room.

Lilly gestured the Sargent to close the door as you started to sort through the clothes. A leather jacket, with a grey shirt, slightly torn jeans, and combat boots. You ran your hand through your hair. You look up and see Jay looking you up and down with a hungry stare.

You: Bastard.

You follow behind the Sargent on a path you could walk in your sleep. The thoughts of what new assignment you would get ran through your head, but you found it difficult to care the longer you went on. Once inside you follow procedure sitting on the lone chair in the room. A table planted neatly in front of the chair. Your eyes stayed straight forward. You knew better than to look at Lilly.

You: I'm ready for my next assignment.

Lilly: I'm sure you are and trust me you'll like this one.

Lilly walked in front of you as she unfolded a map on the table. On it was a circled spot in the middle of the woods. Marked on the map showed how it would be a few days travel to reach it. You had no clue what was so important about the woods.

Lilly: Pack your bags. You are going back to school. 

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