Chapter 11: Before The Storm

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A/N: In this chapter a song will be mentioned. The credit goes to Naethan Apollo in it's entirety. I hope all of you that have been reading this are enjoying it, and have loved the journey as much as I have. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day. 

This was it. The Delta came tonight. Tonight, you fought back against the vile creatures that held you down for so long. You put down the guitar that was in your hands. You had been working on a song during your free time. Tonight, you didn't want to be alone though. You wanted to spend your last night with Clementine. You had grown so fond of her. That feeling of love you always wanted to stray from, but you couldn't help yourself with her.

You: Tonight's the only one I got. Do it before they show up and ruin everything. Have fun one last night.

You got up to your feet and walked outside into the dorm's hall. The daytime sky was already dipping into night. You continued down the hall looking to head out into the courtyard. A looming sense of quiet through the school. That peaceful silence ended though when you got outside.

Louis: I have been working my ass off. Fuck, I've taken this thing seriously for nearly two fucking weeks!

You turn to see Louis and Violet in front of the admin building. The two in each other's faces. Clementine was observing the situation from a distance. You walked up to her.

Violet: So, has everyone! You are not special! It is time to get shit done, and we need your damn help!

Louis: I'm sorry Vi, but I cannot. I have to do this; it is just too important.

Louis walks away from Violet and toward the target where Marlon practices firing a bow. Just as you reach Clementine she sighs and starts walking toward Violet. You speed go from a walk to a light jog to catch up with what's going on.

Clem: What was that all about?

Violet looks up.

Violet: Oh, hi you two.

You see Clementine look over her shoulder. She gives a light smile when she sees you.

Violet: Just Louis being Louis like always. We might have some raiders show up any fucking minute, and I don't even know if we are prepared. Mean, fuck, it's been two weeks since we started all this preparation. These people still haven't showed up, and all it is doing is putting people on fucking edge.

You: Then what can we do to lighten the load?

Violet: Alright, could you guys just make sure that everyone is ready. Make sure everything is set up like it has to be. I'm gonna go do what Louis was supposed to do and check the back barricades.

Clem: We'll get on it and come let you know.

Violet smiles.

Violet: Thank you.

She walks back into the admin building. Clementine turns to you.

You: Alright, let's go check on Louis first.

Clementine nods as the two of you walk in pace toward Louis. There he stood next to Marlon firing a bow. Each shot missing the target by a landslide.

Louis: Dammit!

Marlon: Louis calm down.

You: I agree with Marlon. What is going on?

Louis looks over to you and Clementine. Louis sighs as he retrieves the missed arrows.

Louis: I just can't get over the fact that these raiders might be coming soon. They are gonna show up.

He fires an arrow, and it breaks on the wall.

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