Chapter 2: Making New Friends

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Fallen leaves crunch under your foot as you walk the lonely path. You sling your backpack over your shoulder. The contents where nothing amazing. A simple hatchet along with a day's worth of food.

You: All these years and Lilly is still a stingy bitch about the food.

You shake your head clear keeping your senses open. All you needed to do was find one thing about this group you were after. As of now though there was nothing, but the cool autumn forest surrounding you. That was until the guttural growl of a walker echoed through the woods. You turn to see it already charging you. It's arms flailing in anticipation of its new meal. You unsheathe your hatchet and cut right into the brain of the corpse. You don't stick around as the smell was driving you crazy. You don't know how long had passed before you hear voices coming from the distance. You jumped into some brush as two figures walked right past you. One tracing their fingers through your hiding spot.

???: C'mon there has got be more to find.

It was a younger girl. She had a southern accent.

???: Yeah, the dead. It's never anything but the dead.

That voice was another young female. She was clearly unenthusiastic to be out here. What you knew is that you had to be close. Lilly said you were looking for younger people. You had to be close to the school. You stood as still as stone until the footsteps had passed.

You: Alright time get the fuck out of here, Y/N.

You quickly moved down the path the two came from. You noticed the matted leaves from frequent travel. You knew you were getting close.

You: Now let's see. How do I play this? "Person in distress," "A passerby,"

You thought back to what Lilly told you about this "Marlon".

Lilly: Just another coward with a soft heart. You'll play him like a fiddle.

Maybe being wounded was the way to go. You're pulled out of thought by a red ribbon to your left. It was a light fabric tied around a tree. You walked closer examining it. Farther down the trail you see more light red fabrics.

You: They can't be-

Your thought was ruined as you felt something tighten around your ankle. You tried to hurry and free yourself, but it was too late. The snare had caught your leg lifting you straight into the air. You let out a yelp as your head smashed into a rock. The last thing you could remember was feeling your blood trickle down your arm and hearing footsteps sprinting toward you.


You slowly open your eyes. A throbbing pain thudding in your head. You try to sit up only to be stopped by your own arm. You turn around to see a thing of tape holding you in place. Quickly tearing it off you sit straight up. You look around the room and notice you're in a dormitory. Two bunk beds one of each side of the room, a window bored up to keep walkers out, a table right next to a closet, and lastly was a dresser with bandages placed on top. That's when you feel the top of your head.

You: They fixed me up.

You trace the heavily gauzed bandage with your finger.

You: Well, this isn't ideal for getting in, but whatever works right?

You stand up from your bed and listen as the floorboards creak under your weight. You search around the room hoping for anything useful. Trying the door was fruitless effort.

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