Chapter 17: Only A Dream

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The sun beamed its energy on your skin. In front of you was your elementary school. North County, a small local place from when you were young. A bright white light surrounded the area as the echoes of children came from the playground at the back. A small breeze caused you to shiver. The weather was never good hear, always changing within the hour. You walked forward toward the back of the school. There the playground was fully intact. Kids played on the playset, some swinging high in the air, and others in groups talking to each other like nothing was happening. On the playground you see your friends waving at you. They were by the firetruck, eagerly waiting for your arrival. You scanned the rest of the playground though and saw your parents sitting under an evergreen tree the school had. Their hands were locked together, giving a welcoming smile.

You: Mom... dad...

You felt tears falling down your face. These people you knew. These people you watched die.

You: Tyler, Ciara, Brittany... god even Alex...

The many lost names. The names of people you loved and cared for. The ones that died over you. You remember the soft smiles they had before the hungry grimaces. Watching them be torn apart. You grabbed at a bracelet you had locked around your arm. One your mother gave you when the dead raised.

Mom: For as long as you have this. Dad and I are looking over you.

You forgot about the bracelet. It was something you gave to Maggie to keep her spirits up when things looked rough. The bright silver bracelet gleamed in the sun. You know it's stained with your mother's blood. It was something that implanted itself on the metal. Something you weren't able to clean off. You sighed as you let your fingers run through your hair.

???: I thought we told you not to do that.

You jumped back at the sudden familiar voice. In front of you was your dad and mother. You didn't even notice them walking to you.

You: I'm sorry. It just... helps me focus.

Your mumble was barely audible, but you know they heard you. Your hands fell down to your side as you looked up at the two loving people you had for years of your life.

Mom: You love this school.

You: Can you blame me. It's the one place I remember everything being peaceful. The last place I remember before all the horror.

You looked down not wanting to meet your parents' eye. They raised you better than you are now. They didn't raise you to be the tyrant you grew up to be. You see your dad lean down in front of you.

Dad: Don't even say it kiddo. You got nothing to apologize for.

Mom: Now how about you tell us what's going on?

You: It's happening again. All my friends are dying again. Getting hurt because of me.

The words rolled of your tongue as it became harder to speak.

You: I've been with so many groups, but this one. I don't want this one to go. I want them to stay, but I can't help but think that the worst is going to happen. I don't want to start over again.

All you wanted was a moment of peace. Something to go back to. Something to be able to relax without having to worry about the assholes around the world.

You: I'm scared. So many people are looking at me for advice, for a plan, for something to help us get through this unharmed. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know if anything I'm doing is the correct thing.

You picked at your mothers' bracelet.

You: God, I don't even know how Maggie's doing. For all I know is she dead.

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