Chapter 21: Epilogue

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You wake up to your lungs full of dusty air. You hear joints crack as you sit up. Your mouth was dry from sitting here for who knows how long. Coughs tearing at your dry throat. You look around the room seeing a water bottle on a dresser. You quickly grab it and try to tear into the water, but a missing arm stops you. You look in horror at the sight. You shake it off though and find your own way to open the water and chug it down. When you finished the water the urge to puke, from your body's dormant, hit you.

???: Y/N.

The small voice of a girl was to your right. You turn to see Maggie was still waking herself up. She had your jacket on.

You: Hey sweetie.

You see her eyes go wide. Tears filled her eyes, and you could feel them filling yours. She launched herself off the bed embracing you.

Maggie: I'm so happy you're awake! I was so afraid you weren't gonna wake up!

You pulled her into as tight of a squeeze as you could. You couldn't help but let out chocked sobs from your joy.

Clem: Y/N?

You looked up from the door and see Clementine. She had to crutches under her arms and a stump where her leg used to be. Louis and AJ were right behind her.

Clem: You're awake... I... I thought I lost you.

You: Only for a minute.

Clementine couldn't hide her own joy as she let out a chocked giggle.

Clem: Longest damn minute of my life.

Louis: You know, we were starting to doubt you would wake up.

You: As if you needed to.

Maggie: You've been out for almost a week.

You: That long.

The moment ended shortly after that though as you looked at your missing arm. Then you remembered everything else that happened. The fighting on the bridge, watching Clementine get bitten, and you getting bit while in the herd. You removed the covers from your legs to examine your missing leg. A similar stump just like Clementine's wrapped in bloody bandages.

You: How am I alive?

You were surprised. There was no doubt that you lost a lot of blood. You still felt weak, your skin was still pale, and you could feel pains in your chest. It would take ages to recover, and during that time you would be useless. Who were you kidding? You were already useless. Without an arm and a leg, you couldn't move. You couldn't defend yourself or others. Still, somehow you were still breathing.

You: I survived.

You were free from everything.

Clem: It's gonna take some time getting used to. You're also gonna be in your bed for a long time.

You: Yeah?

Clem: This is my first day up, and it's against Ruby's orders so, yeah.

You: Does yours still hurt?

Clementine nods as she takes a seat in front of you.

Louis: I'll go wake Ruby up.

You looked out the window, you didn't even realize it was nighttime. Louis walked out of the room; your time alone was now numbered.

You: I love you all. All three of you.

Maggie: I love you too!

Maggie jumped onto the bed giving you another hug.

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