Chapter 5: Getting Too Close

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You finally arrived at the front gate with Willy on the watch tower.

Willy: Hey guys there back!

Everyone started rushing toward the gates with questions foaming from the mouth.

Aasim: God, it took you guys long enough.

Mitch: Look they brought something back.

Louis: As observant as ever Mitch.

Once inside we place the three bags onto a picnic table and Clementine opens hers reveling all goods.

Mitch: Holy shit.

Violet: That is a lot...

Willy: You guys are life savers! Yo Marlon, Brody! Come check this out!

You leaned toward Clementine.

You: We did good I would say.

Clem: I think so too.

The mood was bright up until Brody came to the table.

Brody: What is...

She paused as she saw the bags.

Brody: Where did you get all this?

You: The train station.

Clem: Would have gotten a lot more if it wasn't for the fucker who sabotaged out traps.

Brody: What?! How did you know it was him!?

You: Caught him smoking those bible cigarettes.

Brody turned around and walked away a bit.

Brody: No-no-no-no. That's outside the safe zone.

Clem: Don't worry I pushed him into a pack of walkers.

She turned back to us with a clear furry in her eye.

Brody: You what!? God do you even know what you did!? What if there are more of them!?

You: Calm down we were not followed.

Brody: Yeah?! How do you know!? You do not understand what people are like out there!

You: Brody shut the fuck up!

All you felt as you spoke was rage. Something for someone so pathetic to speak like you don't know anything.

You: I understand exactly how people can be!

You stepped closer to her as Brody curled her fingers into a first.

You: Fucking try me.

Marlon: Whoa what is going on here!?

Brody: These two went outside of the safe zone. They saw someone! You know what that means!

Marlon: What it means is they stumbled upon a hungry man. Things like that happen.

Brody: What!? You can't be serious!

Marlon: We will talk about this later.

He was whispering to her, but you were close enough to hear it all. Brody shoved him away and looked back at you and Clementine.

Brody: If anything happens! I am holding you two responsible!

Brody then storms away brushing past Marlon. The leader himself just sighs looking back at you two.

Marlon: I know I asked you two to help, but god...

Clem: We didn't bring anyone else. It was just us.

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