Chapter 14: Game Plan

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You, Louis, Willy, Clem, and AJ crept through the forest. You were walking toward the river where Abel said the Delta set up camp. Louis had a map in hand leading the way, but all you could do was look at Clementine. She said she forgave you, but you could see the distrust in her eyes. You could see it through everyone. That wandering husk trailing along. You shook your head trying to clear your thoughts. Now was no time to let your mind wander.

Louis: There it is.

In front of you was the river and a huge steamboat. People wandered the top and pier. All of them armed.

Clem: At least we know he wasn't entirely lying.

You walk forward keeping low to the ground. You scan the people on the deck and boat soon spotting Dorian.

You: This is it. Dorian is at the top watching with a crossbow.

You point to the woman keeping watch.

You: They are going to keep their prisoners on the second floor. Guards will be posted up on all floors of the building keeping track of everything.

AJ: Why did they keep you in a cell?

You: Because they were afraid of something like what I just did. If I had the freedom while there, this would have happened within their walls. They didn't want that.

You: Walls and my thoughts to keep me company.

Louis: At least we changed your mind.

Clem: Alright, everyone start investigating. We need a plan to get on that ship.

You move forward to a set of bushes. Hopefully it would obscure you enough. There you could see the boat and anything visible to the outside world. It was all just in time too as you see Violet being escorted by a member of the Delta. A little bit after Clementine comes next to you.

Clem: Find anything?

You: I found Violet. This is definitely the right place. Other than that, it's basic patrols.

Dorian: Walkers!

Your attention it dragged to the boat where you see a few walkers stumbling down a hill to their potential meals. It didn't take long for the Delta members to gun them down though.

Clem: I think I just found our way on board. Come on, let's meet up in a group.

You nod as Clem get's everyone's attention.

Clem: Alright, time to discuss what's going to happen. First, you all need to know we have the right boat. Y/N saw Violet.

You: She's on the second floor. Just like I said.

Louis: So, now we need a way to get on the boat.

Clem: Easier said than done. We just gotta walk up and enter through the front door.

Louis: What?

Willy: They just killed walkers like they were nothing.

Clem: It's gotta happen at night, but the only way on is through the pier. There are doors there that we can use to get inside.

Louis: How so we get on without being shot?

Clem: With a herd of walkers. We can walk through a herd like nothing if we cover ourselves with their smell.

Louis: That can't work.

You: It's not. There is an entire group that masks up in walker skins to travel within a herd. They call themselves the Whispers.

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