Chapter 3: Game of war

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You all sweep out through the forest. The echoes of the dead along with their memorable stench filled the air. You see two walkers charge you from behind a tree. Quickly you swing your hatchet through the skull of the first one before a quick upper cut in a second swing.

Louis: Oh shit, nice one Clementine!

You look over to Louis and see his weapon leave a walker's skull. You spot a walker inching closer to the dread headed boy.

Louis: You know I thought you were gonna be all ta-

He was cut off when your hatchet flew right by his face and into the dead man's skull.

Louis: Oh shit.

You hear another walker behind you. Turning around you and steady your ground. With a quick motion you kick the walker's foot out from under it and bring your boot onto its head. You turn and see both Clementine and Louis in awe. You walk past Louis and retrieve your hatchet.

You: Pay more attention before it gets you killed.

Louis: I... uh, yeah.

Marlon and Violet regrouped with three other kids. You rush over to help clear out the rest of the walkers. Along with the kids was a dog, Rosie. You shuttered a bit seeing the dog like walker blood off its mouth. It didn't take long to clear the rest of the walkers.

Marlon: Alright, let's go home. I'm fucking hungry.

You gave a light smile.

Clem: You aren't the only one.

You: I feel that.


You wandered the courtyard for ages waiting for Omar to finish cooking the food. You watched events fold out like Marlon getting elbowed in the testicles by AJ. Notably though were the graves next to charred building. There was two crosses and you saw Tenn and Violet standing next to them, flowers in hand. You made your way over to them just in time to see Tenn put a bundle of flowers down next to the grave.

You: You guys still do the whole "grave" thing?

Violet jumps up a bit as she turns around. Tenn hides behind her.

Violet: Sort of.

She was still a bit jumpy but was calming down.

Violet: No one's buried here. Just the belongings of two people we had lost. Minnie and Sophie. Twins. Both died a year ago.

Minnie and Sophie. The names ring a bell. Lilly told you about Minnie and Sophie, the 'parable of the twins' she liked to call it. A story of one killing the other. You also knew that a trade happened with his group before. One where Marlon gave away two of his own.

You: Just another asshole who cares for nothing but himself.

You knew better than to buy into the nice guy persona.

You: How did they die?

Violet: Walkers.

You: Every murder's scapegoat nowadays. Maybe the walkers would have been a better fate.

Louis: Hey, Clem, stews done!

The boy's voice echoed through the courtyard.


Omar made Rabbit Stew. Which compared to the bland shit the Delta called food this was paradise. At your table was Ruby, Marlon, Louis, Clem, and AJ. It was obvious that AJ hasn't been around people as he guzzled down his food. Ruby was disgusted and even walked away when everyone joined in a belching contest.

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