Chapter 15: Whisperer

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A breeze flew through your hair. The stench of decay gliding with the breeze. You let out a deep breath as you went though an open patch of trees. The sun's rays didn't sit well with the cold breeze touching you skin. A second pair of footsteps was right behind you. Twigs and leaves crunching underneath her boots.

You: Where is he?

You searched this forest for, what has to be, hours now. Still there was no sign of James.

You: He couldn't have moved.

You hoped he didn't. That he was still around. You looked at the ground again hoping to see any sign of disturbance. This time you got lucky. As a whisper you knew he liked to live around walkers, and from what you remember he still seemed to do that. From the ground you could see the disturbance of who knows how many walkers.

You: We're getting closer.

You continue forward following the tracks until you heard the sound of groans in the air. You and Clem don't exchange words, instead following the noise. When you reached it, you see a group of walkers. They were roaming around a small campsite. One that was recently used from the dying embers from a campfire. Next to the campsite was one of Lilly's carts, now missing a wheel.

Clem: Looks like Lilly came through here. You think they got him?

Before you got the chance to speak you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You quickly turned around pulling your hatchet out and saw a boy around your age. He had semi-long black hair, and soft, brown eyes. You smile as you recognize his eyes though.

You: James.

He kneeled down and carefully made his way to you and Clem.

You: What happened?

James: Those people... they had some from your school.

Clem: Fuckers. Come on, we gotta go before we get spotted.

James: I can't.

Clem: Why not?

James: My mask. It's still at the campsite. The bag, I need it.

You lift your hatchet up.

You: Don't worry, we got this.

James: No. Don't harm them.

Clem: You want us to not kill walkers? That's too dangerous.

You bit your lip as the thoughts of everything going wrong went through your head. This was stupid, but you needed his help. You couldn't afford to just say no.

Clem: You can't actually be considering this?

You look up at Clem before looking back at James.

You: I'll get it done. You need to make it quick.

James nods.

James: Only need a minute.

You quickly hoped over the log you were all hiding behind and start to yell out for the walkers. Instantly their hungry eyes landed on you as they started to approach. You took a page from Clementine's book knocking out the walkers' legs when they got too close. One managed to slip past you though lunging at you. You stepped out the way just in time for the walker to eat the dirt.

You: James, I need you to hurry! I cannot keep this up.

James: I can't seem t-

James then had a small pause before speaking again.

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