Chapter 4: The Hunt

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You stood by the balcony of the admin office. You drew in and let out deep breath while waiting for Marlon.

Brody: Marlon wants to see you in his office.

That is what you recall Brody telling you. Now you where just sitting around and waiting for that blond-haired person to show up. During your wait someone else showed up though.

The little boy with a charred face.

You: Hi Tenn.

Tenn: Hi. What are you doing?

You: Waiting on Marlon.

Clementine and her little boy, AJ, walk into the room. You meet Clem's eye and give a fake smile.

Clementine: Where's Marlon?

You shrug.

You: No clue, been doing nothing but kicking up dust for a bit now.

Clementine: All right then.

Tenn: I can get him if you want!

Clem: That's kind of you.

The little boy dashes out of the room.

Clem: So, what do you think about this place?

You: It's not awful. Simply curious on what exactly they need us to do.

AJ: Whoa! They have known each other for a long time!

You turn your attention to the young boy. His enthusiasm reminding you of Maggie whenever you tried teaching her. AJ was next to a picture with a younger Louis and Marlon. They both were wearing jerseys.

Clem: Yes, they did.

You: Best friends to the looks of it. Best friends forever.

You hear the screech of the door as it opens slightly.

You: Finally, Mar-

You were cut off when the door swung open relieving Rosie. The first reaction you got from the door was her growling. The next thing you saw was Clementine backing away keeping AJ behind her. She was trembling. You step in front of Clementine.

You: Don't worry the dog won't hurt you.

The dog crept closer, saliva dripping from its mouth.

Marlon: What's going on in here?

Marlon walks through the door and sees Rosie backing us into the desk.

Marlon: Woah! Rosie!

You watch as the dog turns around to its owner and sits down. You turn to Clementine her knife white knuckled in hand.

You: Hey, you can put that away you are safe now.

Marlon: You told me you had a thing with dogs. I didn't think it was this bad though.

You: Bad time with dogs?

Clem: I got attacked by one before.

Marlon: Sorry to hear that but Rosie is as cuddly as they come, well when she isn't mauling walkers that is. It's just that she doesn't know any of you.

Marlon holds his hand out to Clementine.

Marlon: Let me show you.

Clementine was backing away.

You: Here I'll do it with you.

You hold your hand out offering it for Clementine.

You: She needs to get to know me just as much.

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