Chapter 20: Final Journey Home

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You open your eyes to a horribly bright light. The feeling of sun's rays hit you, but yet you still felt cold. Around you was nothing more than an empty world of white. You felt tiny to the unknown world around you, almost as if you were floating in an endless void of white with no control of your next destination. Then you hear the sound of a bus in the distance. You turn to the noise and see the bus emerge from the white, almost materializing in from of your eyes. It stopped in front of you with an open door. You stepped inside. The interior was empty except of you and two chairs. You walk forward to sit down until you hear a familiar high-pitched voice behind you. You turn to see your best friend Tyler walk inside the bus.

Tyler: Long time no see.

You: It truly has been. Where am I? Where is everyone?

Tyler: Their waiting for you.

You: Waiting for me. Where?

Tyler: Somewhere special. You can come with me. I'm going to see my family here soon.

You: I... I don't know. What about my family.

Tyler: You can go to them. You just gotta wait.

You feel the bus stop and the door open. Outside was Tyler's house, his family outside waving. Smiles were planted on their faces as Tyler walked to the door. He stood there for a moment his mind clearly wandering. You walked closer to him.

You: Whatcha thinking about?

He turns to you with a light smile on his face.

Tyler: All the stuff I left at home. If I knew I wouldn't ever be able to go back, I would have brought more with me.

You couldn't help but crack out a laugh at his joke.

You: Too bad we couldn't really be kids anymore.

Tyler: I think there's still a chance to be kids. Just because we gotta fight, doesn't mean we can't have fun.

You: If I only I could see that.

Your face went down in a lozy frown.

You: All I see is that if we stop fighting those monsters will kill us, and then turn us into monsters.

You feel the young boy punch your arm.

Tyler: There's a place out there where we can stay kids. The world is huge! There's gotta be something somewhere.

Tyler looked out at his house once again.

Tyler: Well, I'm gonna go now. I hope you find your stop.


You nod before going and taking a seat. Tyler gets off the bus and walks to his family embracing them in a hug. The bus closes and keeps going.


You open your eyes to see a walker chewing into your leg. You kill it the blade getting stuck in the walker's head. You look at the new wound in your leg. Another bite sealing your fate. You knew it was gonna be the end when you were cornered. There just wasn't enough room in the herd. You look at your left hand seeing your missing thumb. Blood had dripped down your arm, along with your skin turning a pale white. You were dying and could feel your body failing you.

You: I need to keep moving.


You used your good hand bracing yourself on the tree you were lying against. With all your strength you pulled yourself back to your feet. You pulled your hatchet out of the walker and started limping through the forest. You had to find the school. You had a promise to keep.

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