Chapter 6: Push Forward

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You wake up to another headache. Something that seemed to be a common trend here. The first thing you noticed was the duct tape. Once again, they trapped you to the bed post. You undo the tape and sit up a small amount of nausea. The room around you was decorated with various knickknacks. Your attention went to the door as someone walked inside. It was Clementine and Ruby.

Ruby: Oh no you don't. Lay back down.

You: I'm fine.

Clem: No, you aren't. Now listen to the doctor.

You: Trust me, whatever happened isn't keeping stuck to this bed.

You: I don't have the time to be bed locked.

Ruby: I'm sure losing an eye is going to keep you here.

You: Losing an eye?

Shocked filled your soul. Losing an eye would kill you. How are you even alive?

Clem: You saved my life. In the process a bullet went right through your eye.

Ruby: You got lucky it didn't hit the brain.

You: Wait, how long have I been out?

Clem: Three days. A lot has changed.

Ruby: And it's time for the vote on Marlon.

You: Vote on Marlon?

Clem: Someone want to kick him out, some don't, we waited on you to make that vote.

You: See, I can't be bed locked if I gotta vote.

Ruby sighs.

Ruby: When you fall over don't come running to me for help.

You: Won't be able to if I do.

Ruby: I'll round the others up in the music room.

Clem: We will meet you there.

Ruby leaves the room closing the door behind her.

Clementine looks at you with a light smile on her face.

Clem: I want to say thank you.

You: For?

Clem: Saving my life like that.

You: Well don't worry about it. Last thing we needed was anymore dead people.

Clem: Even though you almost added to the list.

You nod.

You: What's your vote on Marlon?

Clem: Personally, I want him gone. He tried shooting me, threatened AJ's life, and then shot you.

You: Big list of reasons.

Clem: Valid reasons too.

You: Where is Marlon?

Clem: Locked away in the basement. What do you want to do with him?

You: I want him gone.

You: I could track him down then. Give Lilly one of the kids as a taste. Less to deal with.

You: I don't trust him.

Clem: I don't blame you. Something else you should know is Violet took charge. She is fortifying the school in case those raiders show up.

You: Good idea.

Clem: Hey...

She paused for a second seeming to pick her next words carefully.

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