Chapter 12: Uncovered Lies

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You and Ruby got out of your dorm room when Marlon came down the hall screaming.

Marlon: Clementine's spotted people! Get your asses outside!

You didn't hesitate to run outside. Everyone was meeting in the middle of the courtyard. You quickly joined the group.

Louis: Are they really here?

Mitch: What do you think?

Omar: Everything is gonna hold right?

Clem: Everyone calm down. I saw them. They are out there and armed with guns and carts. Just stick to the plan. Y/N and I will keep their attention on us. Mitch the bombs ready?

Mitch: Yes.

Clem: Then you and Willy will plant them on the carts.

Mitch: This is gonna be fun.

A wicked grin appears on the boy's face.

Clem: After the bomb goes off everyone attack with your ranged weapons. When it gets to hectic fall back into the admin building. Y/N and I will cover you.

Aasim: Those traps are armed and ready. They are gonna break bones easy.

You: I mean this when I say it, no matter what happens stick to the plan. I have a feeling they are going to throw some curveballs, and we don't need anyone doing something stupid to ruin this.

Louis: Alright, any final words of encouragement?

Clem: Stay toge-

Clem was cut off when a rife shot echoed through the air. You watch as Omar falls down blood pouring out of his leg.

You: Everyone get to cover, I'll get Omar!

You grab under the boy's arms and start dragging him toward the tables. More rifle shots smash into the ground stirring the dirt up. Dorian was the Delta's sniper. Of course, she would be here.

Omar: Just go, leave me.

You: Hell no, I am not leaving any of you behind.

You: No one left behind.

You: You are all going to make it.

You: All these fuckers are gonna die. I'm gonna kill them all.

You dragged Omar through the courtyard and behind a table.

You: Stay here and try not to make a sound. You'll be fine, trust me okay.

You see the boy nod. Fear taking over his emotions. The crack of glass goes off by the gate as a bright orangish red light takes up your peripheral vision.

Lilly: Knock-Knock, guess who's here!

There her voice was. The demon herself. You rushed over to Clementine where she had a bow and a quiver of arrows awaiting your arrival. As you got there you slung the quiver over your shoulder and nocked an arrow. The sound of the metal gate banging on the burning wood sounded through the courtyard.

Lilly: Y/N, why did you guys make it so hard to open the gate?!

You feel the deathly stare of Clementine. Like it was burning a whole through your head.

Clem: How do they know your name?

You: Clem, trust me, that is your last concern. Just stay on the god damn plan, and we should be able to walk out of this.

You hear the gates creak to life.

Abel: They really did take us seriously.

Lilly: Y/N, we know you're in here. Show yourself now.

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