Chapter 10: A Small Adventure

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You and Clementine stood by the target practicing her aim with the bow. At first her aim was sloppy and all over the place, but by now she was starting to hit the target each time. A wind picked up dragging the target side to side. Another arrow flew out from the bow and barely hit the target.

Clem: Dammit! I can't hit shit.

You: You're doing fine. Your shot is getting better, and with some more practice you are gonna be better than me.

Marlon: Hey, mind if I join you guys. I need some practice myself.

You look over to Clem trying to get an answer.

Clem: It's up to you.

She nocks another arrow firing at the target.

You: Fine.

Marlon stepped up and both him and Clementine took turns firing the bow. Clementine's shots hitting the outer rings while Marlon seemed to hit a bullseye each time.

Clem: Dammit! God you are just too good at this.

Marlon: I've also had years of practice.

You: You aren't doing bad Clementine. Trust me you'll be a natural in no time.

You look over to Marlon. He still seemed shy, as if he wasn't supposed to be here, but at the same time he was happy to even be with you two.

Marlon: Here try it with this. Those bows tend me way too light. Maybe this has your weight.

Clem nods as she takes the bow.

Clem: You sure about this?

Marlon: Go on give it a shot.

Clem stands and aims the bow. You could tell she struggled a little more with pulling the string back. When the arrow flew though it struck a bullseye.

You: Oh, look at that. First one of the day.

Clem: This feels so much better.

Clem goes to hand the bow back but Marlon refuses.

Marlon: Keep it. You'll be able to protect this place with it than I ever could.

Clem: I can't accept this.

Marlon: You can and will. You and Y/N both are the people this school needs. I have no doubt about that.

You give a light smile as Clem goes to practice with her new bow some more. It was a facade though. You knew what was coming, and anxiety dug itself into your heart. The thought of what Marlon said sunk into your heart.

You: You really are doing this. Are you certain you can win?

You close your eyes and try to hold yourself together.

You: You can't fall apart. You can't second-guess yourself.

The thought of leaving this school to have Maggie was weighing on your mind. The last thing you wanted to do had to go back like nothing happened.

You: It's been so long since I've seen her. It's been nineteen days. God, I hope she is okay.

Clem: Y/N.

You snap to reality with Clementine sitting in front of you.

You: I'm here, just zoned out.

You look at the target and see three more arrows in the bullseye.

You: Good job.

Louis: I see people are starting to get along.

Violet: Shut up Louis. 

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