Chapter 18: The Raid

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The moon's silver beams guided you through the twisted branches of the forest. The nighttime sky bided you all good luck as they danced the night away. Your anxiety was at an all time high. The possibility of failing kept running through your mind. Watching everyone die, or worse, getting captured was the last thing you wanted to see. Ahead of you was Clementine. She was leading the charge, and it was clear she had the same things running through her mind. Her hand kept checking her bow's quiver making sure it was secure. All it did was remind you of how much you wished you had a gun. The bows the school had wouldn't be a match to the arsenal that the Delta had. Through bushes and leaves a bright orange glow shined through the night.

Mitch: Alright people. We all know what to do. Willy and Louis are going to the raft to set it on fire. Ruby and Tenn, you two go and deal with the horses, make sure you got our escape ready. Y/N, Clem, AJ, and I will be going onto the boat.

You: It's a solid plan if we stick to it.

Clem: Remember that only the team going to the boat is covering themselves in guts. The rest of you need to be careful.

A bright, white light reached over the bushes causing everyone to drive to the dirt. Luckily it paid no mind to you, instead choosing a walker wandering to the boat. A gunshot sounded its final moments alive. The kids start to slowly pick themselves up. When you are back to your feet you look for a lone walker to use. It doesn't take you long to find one. You kill the walker and drag the lifeless corpse back to the group.

Ruby: It looks like all we need to do is wait for your walker friend.

Clem: Don't got to wait for long.

You look up and see a James with his mask on. The sudden appearance of James caused Ruby to jump.

Ruby: My god.

James: Um... hi.

James gives a light wave to the rest of the group.

You: Everyone, meet James.

The rest of the group seemed startled. It wasn't surprising since they were meeting someone who wore human skin. All except Willy who walked forward bursting with excitement.

Willy: Whoa! That's so cool! How did you get the skin like that?

James backed away from the approaching boy. He was only able to stammer out ums until Mitch interjected.

Mitch: Willy, cool it. We got a job to do.

Willy: Oh, you're right. Sorry. It just looks so real.

Clem: That's because it is.

Louis: Sounds functional and fashionable. I'll take two.

Louis's lighthearted attempt of a joke caused James to laugh. You couldn't help but smile.

James: The walkers will be here soon. I'll lead them to the boat. The noise should keep their attention. Join them as they pass.

You give a light nod.

You: Thank you, James. We will see you on the other side.

James: Clementine. Can I speak with you?

Clem nods as she walks over to James. You go to the walker and prepare it for the rest. Tenn walked up to you as you worked.

Tenn: Y/N?

You: Yes.

You quickly looked at him showing he had your attention. He wore a sad expression showing his discomfort with the situation going on.

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