Chapter 16: Day of Peace

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A/N: Hi everyone. I just want to say sorry for this chapter coming out so late. I had a lot of issues with my computer deleting the chapter. It's out now though, and I hope you all enjoy it. Also I'll have 17 out today.

The two of you made it to the school without any trouble. Once inside Clementine bid you a farewell as Louis needed her when you got back. You were now left with your own devices. Looking around the school you could see all the damage. The burnt grass still emitted a faint smell of smoke from when it burned. Bullet holes in the grass from missed shots. The one thing missing was the bodies. You wondered what they did with the Delta's. You looked at the basement which you wouldn't dare go down. Maybe they left Abel down there, and that was someone you never wanted to see again. You knew Yonatan's body wasn't going to be in the hallway. Maybe they just chucked it out in the woods as walker food. Then you stumbled on the dry blood staining the walkway.

You: Marlon.

That scared boy who threw his life away to protect everyone here. He even let his own life get taken for you. Someone he didn't know. Someone who lied right to his face. You walked to the graveyard. From a distance you could see the clean, lifted dirt from a new grave. A wooden gross with the name 'Marlon' carved on it. His companion laid on the grave. Rosie was whimpering from the detachment from her master. Your face saddened as you leaned down next to Rosie. She lightly lifted her head to look at you. You let her sniff your hand before petting her. You stand back up and look at Marlon's grave.


You: I'm sorry it ended like this. That you aren't going to be able to see everyone safe. You gave your life protecting this school, and even protecting me when I lied right to your face. Well, I'm gonna make it up to you. I'm gonna save everyone who got taken. I'm gonna make sure they all get back unharmed. I will save everyone just like you would have wanted to do. I promise they will all get back home. I promise your death will not be in vain.


You were heading back to your dorm. You felt anxious and couldn't tell why. As you turn a corner in the dorm you run into Ruby, nearly ramming into her. She had a few pillows in her hand.

Ruby: Oh, shit, I uh... didn't see you there.

You: What are those for?

Ruby: These? Well, I plan on throwing a small hootenanny. Something to boost our moral before we go get everyone back. 

You give a light smile due to the heart of the red head in front of you. She had a heart of gold.

Ruby: Tenn's helping me set up the music room as we speak.

You: That's a beautiful idea.

Ruby: You are allowed to come by the way.

She was greeting the invitation with a warm smile.

Ruby: You don't have too, but you can if you want.

You return the smile.

You: I'll think about it.


You lean against your door shutting it.

You: A party?

You looked into empty dorm room. The loneliness seemingly more inviting than a party.

You: I doubt I'm wanted there anyway.

You couldn't help but think something like that. Why would they want you sitting with them so casually? It's not something you deserved. Instead sitting here curling up with your pillow might save everyone the awkwardness. You could pick at the vines creeping through your broken window, or maybe even go spend some time with Rosie. You walk to your bed tossing yourself on it. Your body bounced as the springs pushed back at your sudden weight.

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