Chapter 9: Preparing for War

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You wake up to another ray of sun lighting up your dorm. It stings for a moment as your eyes readjust. You walked outside to see fire burning throughout the courtyard.

You: Hello!

Your panicked yell was only met with a familiar voice.

Lilly: Hello soldier. Glad to see your awake.

You turn to see Lilly walking toward you.

You: Lilly?

A hand smacked across your face forcing you to the ground.

Lilly: That's commander to you.

Lilly squatted down in the dirt with you.

Lilly: Isn't it just lovely. All of this done caused just by you. Of course, you didn't make it easy on yourself, you never do, but you got the job done.

You: My job isn't done though. I thought I still had more time.

You were stammering out your words. Fear was rolling through your body as you tried desperately to pull yourself together. You feel your something grabs onto your hair and drag you toward the gate. You winced at the pain from the pull.

Lilly: Isn't it just beautiful, and all thanks to you.

Clem: Get off him!

You turn to see Clementine trying to defend AJ. All the other students trying their best to fight back, all of them failing. You feel yourself trying to move toward them.

Lilly: Where do you think you're going?

You feel a hand grasp onto your arm keeping you from helping the students.

AJ: Clem!

You see Clementine look at you.

Clem: Y/N!

You see soldiers around her tackle the poor girl to the ground. From there you lost control. You quickly punched Lilly in the throat taking her gun from her pocket. You started to shoot the different Delta members making your way toward Clementine. The moment you reached her a new light appeared in front of you.

You wake up to knocking at your door. Sweat covering your body.

You: Nightmare.

You took keep breaths catching up from an exasperated night. You get up and walk to the door opening it to reveal Clementine. She looks you up and down before speaking.

Clem: Rough night?

You nod.

Clem: Well, I woke you up because of our talk yesterday. You ready to go tell Violet about turning this place into a fortress?

You: My way to help. My way to possibly free myself from their grasp.

You: Let's get it over with.

You rub the sleep out of your eyes as you and Clementine start making your way to Violet's office. You knock on the door when you reach it.

Violet: Come in.

You open the door and wave a handout for Clementine to go first. Once she is inside you walk in with her.

Violet: What do you guys need?

You: This is it. No going back now.

You: We want to talk to you about the defenses of this place.

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