Chapter 7: Standing Ground

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Four days passed since you all voted on Marlon. Louis finally managed to convince Marlon to leave his room. Shame was eating the boy alive. He would leave only to do tasks that Violet asked for him to do. He would do it alone, and never ask for anyone's help, even going as far as to deny Louis's help. He didn't even bat an eye to you or Clementine.

Tension was still high in the group. Relations finally started to heal, but it was still visible how little people trusted each other's choices. The day ended as the sun set. The bright orange glow illuminating the school. You were in your room sharpening your hatchet. The next part of your mission was tonight. Reporting to Lilly. The meeting spot was the walker infested station. You knew you would have to kill them all, no way Lilly would do it for you.


The halls grew silent as the night grew older. Soon enough the school was dead. You opened the door and snuck your way through the school. When you reached the wall, you scaled it.

You: Thank god they haven't gone to get the bared wire yet.

You landed on the cold dirt and started the travel to the train station. A dense fog snuck its way into the forest blinding you. Your ears were the only thing watching your back tonight. Tonight... tonight was something you were dreading for a while. You didn't want to say anything to Lilly. These kids were around your age. They were nice and understanding. Nothing like the adults that just shoot first and asked questions later. You pushed the thoughts out of your head. All thinking did was put Maggie in danger.

Then your thought wandered to her. Your little sister trapped with these monsters.

You: Why am I like this?

She was so young and sweet. Wanted nothing but what was best for everyone. You promised you would take care of her if your parents ever died. Then you went and fucked everything up trapping her in a world of hell. The fog starts to clear as you see the worn torn station. At the front door was a pile of dead walkers.

You: They killed them.

You were surprised. Something must have come up. You walked your way to the front door and steadied yourself trying to remember the knock. If you got it wrong, they would just shoot you from beyond the door.

You: Don't fuck this up.

You knock once, then three times, and then knock a final time. You hear footsteps walking closer to the door. It screeches to life as if opens. Beyond the door was Abel.

Abel: On time like always.

The most noticeable difference was his arm. They managed to cut it off. He steps aside letting you enter the building. As you step inside the smell of his cigarettes engulf your sense of smell. Lilly was sitting on a chair waiting for your attention.

Lilly: Welcome back, I surely hope this school was a right choice. Learn anything new?

You: Yes ma'am. It's been an interesting couple of days.

Abel: About as eventful as mine.

Abel got up in your face as he removed the bandage covering your eye.

Abel: Oh, that shit is fucking gross.

You move on telling Lilly about everything you learned. How Marlon's secret was found out. How Brody died, and even about the events that happened to you.

You: They are suspicious that we are in the area, and it isn't because of me. One of their traps in their hunting area was destroyed with a bible cigarette at the scene.

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