Chapter 8: Together

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You open your eyes slowly as a blinding light hits your eyes. You check your surroundings first seeing Violet standing above you.

Violet: About time one of you woke up. Only been trying for forever.

You try to get up but are held down by something. You turn to see Clementine holding onto your arm. Her face slightly stained from tears.

You: Shit we fell asleep here last night.

Violet: I hope you two slept alright.

You: Not really. Mean the floor doesn't feel too good.

Violet: Why are you two out here?

You: She was crying last night. Some night terrors. I might be stuck here for a bit.

Violet: Don't worry about it. I'll let you her sleep in. When she does wake up come find me.

You: Will do.

Violet walks away. You sat there for a while longer, people coming by and striking small conversation. Then Clementine woke up.

You: Morning sleepy head.

Clem: What's going on?

You: You had a bit of a problem last night. We both ended up falling asleep out here.

Clem: Oh, well thank you for staying with me. I appreciate it.

Then a wave up worry crashed over here.

Clem: Wait what time is it? How long have I been asleep?

You: Everyone let you sleep in a couple hours. Told them you had a rough night.

Clem: Alright. What are we doing today?

You: Don't know yet. Time to go to Violet and find out.

Clem: Alright, let's go.

The two of you walked toward the office where Violet said she would be. When you got there, you saw her buried in maps and papers.

You: You seem awfully busy.

Violet jolts up from the sound of your voice.

Violet: My fucking god! Don't you know how to knock?

She sighs as she starts to calm down.

Violet: I am.

Clem: Well, we are here for whatever it is you need us for.

Violet: We need more weapons. Materials to make them or something deadly to be able to defend ourselves.

She waves you closer to the desk. She unfolded a map she had placed on the desk.

Violet: As you can see there is a road leading off the map here. Well, a valley is not too far from here. In the valley was farmlands. Maybe we can get everything we need from food, to materials, and maybe even guns. You two are the knowledgeable ones of the world out there. I wanted you two to go out and look.

You: I can do that, what about you?

Clem gives a small smile and nods.

Clem: We'll get right on it. Before I leave though I need to check on AJ.

You: You do that. I'll go prepare for the road.

You and Clementine part ways as you head to your dorm. Inside you prepare your backpack to support the wait for whatever small items you find, and make sure your hatchet is sharpened. You grab Clementine's bag from her dorm before you walk to the gate. When you get outside you see Clementine by the gate talking to AJ on watch duty.

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