Chapter 19: Aftermath

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Your head wouldn't stop ringing as you opened your eyes. Your back was burning from the fire eating away at the boat. The flame bringing light to the night sky with an orange glow. As the ringing stops a sharp pain runs through your body, and gunfire could be heard from the shore. You get to your feet and see the remaining Delta soldiers fighting the horde that swarmed the beach. Another explosion sent your body back onto the ground. Metal from the boat splashed into the river and smashed into the pier. To your right Lilly's mangled body slams into the pier. A splatter of crimson left the body as it landed. Your stomach turned as you saw the unrecognizable corpse.

You: I did that.

Your face grew itchy as the woman's blood dries on your face. You get back to your feet.

You: I have to get out of here. I need to find everyone.

You: Maggie!

You looked scanned the beach hoping for any sign of your friends and loved ones. She had to be close. You had them all just a second ago. You felt sick as the thought of Maggie being under the water crept into your mind. If that blast sent you off the boat, then no doubt it could have launched her far.

You: Maggie! Clementine, AJ! James!

You walked down the pier and through a pillow of smoke hoping to find someone still standing.

You: Anybody!

???: Clementine!

Someone was alive. AJ was screaming for Clementine. He needed help. You start to sprint through the cloud of black smoke till you find a clearing. In front of you was where you entered the boat, and to your right was AJ and Maggie holding themselves up by upturned boards. Clementine was in a lifeboat.

Clementine: Listen. I need you guys to slide down to me. One at a time. I'll catch you. AJ, you go first.

The kids were hesitant, but still AJ let go and slid down the wooden deck. Clementine was able to catch him before he tumbled into the walker infested water.

Clementine: Alright, Maggie, it's your turn!

Maggie: I'm scared! What if you don't catch me!

You: You got this Maggie! She'll catch you!

You hoped she would catch her. You didn't want to lose her again. You just got her back. Maggie looked down at you and gave a small nod. She then swung herself toward Clementine before letting go of the board. Clementine barely caught Maggie. The sudden lunge for the young girl even resulted in her hat falling into the water.

Maggie: I'm slipping!

Clem: Don't worry, I got you!

You: How are you getting down!?

Clem: There, that roof! We gotta jump!

You: Let me get up there first! I'll catch you!

You start to run and climb your way to the roof. The boat creaks as it tips farther into the water. Once you are at the top you see AJ go to the back of the boat. Then with a running start he jumps to the roof landing in your arms. Maggie repeats what AJ does. As she lands you pull her into a tight hug.

You: I told you we would get out there one day.

You didn't want to let go, but knew you had to. You still needed to find your friends. You all still needed to get back to the school. You turn back to Clem who was about to make her jump. Then you spot the condition of the rope holding up the lifeboat.

You: Oh shit.

Just then the rope breaks.

You: No!

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