Chapter 13: Mercy

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You open your eyes to a common pain in your head.

You: Fuck...

Your back was stiff and moving it popped your spine. The room around you was lit up by a small light. Rosie sat chained up to a boiler. The sounds of something spinning was in the air.

You: Where am I?

You tried getting up only be stopped by tape wrapped around your whole body. You look around the room and see Abel next to you. He was mangled. Bones sticking out of his body, and blood stained on his skin and clothes. To your surprise he was still alive as he was breathing. The spinning sound got louder. You looked over toward Rosie and see AJ turn the corner with his pistol out. He gives you a cold look before sitting down on a chair placed off to the right. He stayed silent as he spun the cylinder of his revolver.

You: AJ, what's going on?

He didn't answer choosing to ignore you. You sighed before leaning back in your chair.

You: Please, AJ, talk to me.

You leaned as close as you could to AJ trying to meet his eye.

You: Please. I just want to know what's happened? How long have I been out? Something.

Rosie starts to bark which makes you jump back at the dog's violent reaction. You look over to Abel and see him stir awake.

Abel: What's going on?

He tries to move his hand noticing soon that it's taped down.

Abel: Huh, they took me hostage.

He looks over to you and gives a toothy grin.

Abel: You too. Traitor to two places I see.

You: Fuck off.

Abel: What? Might as well get to talkin.' It's only me, you, and that squirt right there. You're stuck with my ugly face.

You: Will you shut the fuck up.

Abel: No, instead me and you can have a nice little chat.

You: There's nothing to say to you.

Abel: But there's plenty to say to you. I got plenty of questions burning in my mind. Like what made you finally snap? We kept you and that little girl warm, fed you, and protected you. Now though, now Yonatan is dead, I'm a hostage, and you just betrayed Lilly and sent your sister through a world of hell.

You shut your eyes trying to stop your anger. All you wanted to do was jump on Abel a tear him apart for the shit he's done.

Abel: I told Lilly something was going on with you, but no, she just couldn't listen to me.

The man gives out a small chuckle.

Abel: Mean, I expected resistance, but making an army out of these kids. I wasn't ready for that.

You: Fuck off!

Abel: You gave up on that little girl.

You: No, I did not.

Abel: Did you give up on her for your new girlfriend here? I know you and that Clementine were getting close. Even Lilly saw that.

You: I am not abandoning Maggie! I will get her back and kill every last one of you motherfuckers! None of you will fucking will see the light of day again. Just you wait.

Abel: Maybe you won't have too. Others are gonna do it for ya.

You: Go to fucking hell.

Abel: Don't worry, I'll meet you there.

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