The Marriage Bed

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The road on the way to their destination was rocky and uneven

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The road on the way to their destination was rocky and uneven. They had traveled for two hours west of Versailles passing through a vague area of Le Mans, France. Erik hadn't given much detail to where they were going except to say that it would be clandestine and quaint. The buggy held a few of their belongings and essentials with two suitcases containing eight new outfits for each of them, a circular wooden basket of dry and fresh produce, and some books for entertainment.

Despite Erik and Christine sharing their first time just two days ago, it somehow felt more nerve racking now as they were to do so again as husband and wife. Erik moved from his seat to sit beside her. He offered his hand lacing his fingers through hers. The sensation of his soft, yet slightly calloused fingers between hers, caused heat to enter her cheeks, her nerves felt hypersensitive, as she imagined what was to come shortly. He noticed the change in her color and chuckled.

"You make my heart race when I'm beside you," he said, unlocking their hands and unbuttoning the first five buttons of his white dress shirt to place her cold hand against his chest. His heart dramatically beat against her palm. The unexpected demonstration sent a sudden overwhelming flutter of pleasurable currency through her core. She flashed him a sudden look of desire. It wasn't long before their mouths were urgently pressing together. She wanted him so badly. The carriage stopped incidentally before she had to wish for more privacy. They had been so wrapped up in one another neither had realized how close they were to their dwelling for the evening. Christine raced to fix her appearance when she felt the carriage driver hop down from the platform. Erik opened his door as hers was opened by the silent driver. Her husband removed their belongings and waited for her to walk to the side facing their honeymoon home.

It was a small stone cottage sitting in between tall elm trees that arched over the residence like in a storybook. The roof was light maroon with a curved gable shape. The stone was a light brown and gave the home a calm and natural quality. The wooden arched doorway was painted a light sky blue, which didn't exactly compliment anything else, but gave it an endearing impression. With the coachmen gone Erik carried their belongings to the front door. His face brightened after unlocking the door, with one sweeping motion he carried Christine and all her many layers of white silk and lace through the threshold. She laughed loudly at the motion. He laughed along with her. He sat her down on a sued couch in the living room. "Excuse me for just a moment as I bring in our things," he said, kissing her. Christine took in the room. It was a cheery floral pattern amongst the three walls which then spread into a dining room and kitchen to her right and to her left was a hallway which seemed to house two more rooms. The furniture was a mix of baroque influenced furniture like the ornate couch and chairs, with less decorated modern touches like the wooden coffee table and consoles against the walls.

"Come with me my beautiful wife, let me show you to our room." Excitement rose in her chest. Past the kitchen and dining room, down another hallway, in the very back was a large master bedroom. A large four poster bed with maroon drapes was the center focal point of the room. There was an immaculately carved wardrobe in the right corner, and beside it, to the right, a large black vanity. Below the window on the left side of the room was a beautiful chaise and in the corner against the adjacent was a small chair and  a hickory washstand facing the bed with a china basin and pitcher. Her mouth hung open in surprise at just how wonderful and romantic the space was.

It was approaching dusk and the rooms was darkening so Erik lit the long candles on the night stands on either side of the large bed. He lead her to vanity in which they stood in front of as he helped her shed her jewelry, veil, shoes, and the layers of her wedding dress. He carefully handled the dress and laid it across the chaise on the opposite side of the room as well as removing his suite and shoes and sitting them in the chair in the corner.

He came back, standing behind Christine disrobed to her white shift. He stood bare-chested in his long pant-like underwear. Watching her face in the mirror,  he untied the stay ribboning in the front with a single tug, the rest was unlaced by a sensual finger running down the column of crossed ivory and the valley between her breasts. She gasped as he grabbed her chest with both hands and ran his fingers over her nipples ever so lightly. The space between her legs burned with yearning in reaction. He slipped the garment from her shoulders and in the mirror her incredible porcelain body glowed with the flickering light of the candles against it. Taking pleasure in observing her expression, he traced the small of her back trailing down her spine, then hastily reached around, she moaned as his fingers manipulated the soft and elastic skin that was sodden from his touch. Christine leaned her head against his shoulder and curled her fingers through his hair at the back of his head. She trembled and exclaimed as the last caress elevated her body to new heights as she was floating far above herself and beyond the room into the black atmosphere of the stars.

She panted, exhaling loudly.Erik picked her up, cradling her in his arms and laid her on the large king size bed. "I love you," he said kissing her forehead. Her eyes fluttered before staring up at him. His eyes were brilliant and held so much affection in them that she imagined would never be able to be expressed through simple word. "I love you too, Erik," she managed, the throbbing blood sustaining its heavy pulse through every part of her body. "I'll let you rest my darling," he said smiling, and pulled the covers over her. "No," she disapproved at once, pushing the covers away. She rolled over and pulled down his underwear, watching his strong eyebrows rise and his eyes rolled back as she stroked his hard pulsating arousal. She liked the the feeling of his warm flesh inside her hand. She didn't know if what she was doing was correct but by the look on his face it seemed that he was thoroughly enjoying it. The sound of his baritone voice rising as she continued and quickened the pace and pressure, sent a jolt of ecstasy through her. Christine lifted her hand to straddle him.

She sat on top of him kissing his parted lips and twirling her nimble fingers around his dark hair, moderately pulling at it. He took her breast to his mouth sucking tenderly with great fervor. Christine let out a pleased hum which turned into a desperate moan as the carnal euphoria sharpened. She moved backwards ready to let him fully indulge. The moment he entered her, he stole the breath from her lungs. She winced as her breath staggered. He was so large and powerful and every tiny movement was salient. Christine's hands rested over his wooly chest as she rocked back and forth against him.

Before she was able to refrain Erik grasped hold of  her shoulders and flipped her onto her back thrusting himself into her relentlessly. She screamed his name as he plunged himself into her over and over again until one last time before a final release. He groaned deeply, utterly satisfied. Erik removed himself from her and laid on his back catching his breath. His wife wrapped an arm around his chest, he looked over at her unbelieving that such a love and shared desire could be attainable to someone like himself. "I love you," he mouthed. "Forever," she whispered. "Forever," he agreed.

 "Forever," he agreed

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