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June 16, 1876

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June 16, 1876

Erik stared out the dirty second level window. The tree he'd viewed a hundred times was dead now and covered in snow. He was happy he didn't spend his life looking out at the same view. The squeaking of wood from behind him interrupted his frozen thoughts. A blonde handsome looking man was leaned against the open doorway. His attire was very dapper and wealthy. A breath of sheer excitement and joy entered his lungs as he made his way to his long-missed brother, Charles.

"Erik! You vazey bastard, come here I've missed you so!" He said stretching his arms out so casually like they'd embraced just yesterday. On the contrary, it had been several years in counting; nine years exactly when he was twenty and came back to Paris after living in Prussia. Erik chuckled at his brother's insulting greeting which was undertoned in love- a normal part of their past exchanges in dialogue growing up. Erik threw his arms around Charles who's was a few inches taller than himself, which was perplexing since he was 6 foot.

Charles kissed Erik's left cheek and paused, "Should I kiss your mask too or...?" He teased laughing.

"Shut up, " Erik said putting a hand on his brother's shoulder and returning the faire la bise.

"So...you really want this hell hole?" Erik looked around. It wasn't at all the kind of place one would dare entertain the idea of owning, but he needed this. He had a plan and no matter the disaster of a home he had to work with, the results would be worth it in the end.

He sighed almost second-guessing his choice as he spotted a black widow dangling from a web in the doorway to the left of his brother's head, although he was no more scared or a few rodents and pests than the bats and creeping cave dwellers in his lair, "Yes. I'm positive."

"So be it then brother, " he said pulling out the signed property deed and handing it to him, still questioning him with the same ice-blue eyes, which was the only physical likeness they shared.

"Thank you." Erik's instant relief puzzled Charles but then again he had always been and had done things so much differently than anyone he'd ever known. He almost didn't ask the question but he realized this may be the last time he saw his younger brother.

"Who is she?" he decided.
Erik was confused, even though he knew exactly what he was asking. The question was, how did he know his purchasing of the chateau was over a woman?

His mouth tightened and then relaxed giving up on trying to remain elusive with Charles. "Her name is Christine...Daae."

"Daae, hmm, I think mother mentioned seeing her perform some months ago."

Erik felt a pang of emotion jolt beneath his skin at the mention of his mother, Marguerite. She had practically disowned him from birth, keeping him fed and hidden away, but only just that. Did he feel more angry or surprised to learn she'd been within the same walls as he for even a moment? He was usually sharp to notice new guests among the crowd, but he was probably too busy being captivated by the goddess in the white sparkling gown that night, just as she undoubtedly was. Maybe this sharp pain in his chest was a mix of both anger and surprise. Whatever the impulse of emotion, it was unwelcome.

Charles noticed Erik's discomfort and tried to reinforce the direction of the conversation towards learning more about his relationship with the singer.
"She's lovely and a wonderful singer from what I've seen in the paper and heard, many are very impressed, for a girl her age and from what I've heard the daughter of the late Gustave Daae."

"Yes, indeed."

"She seems like a perfect dream."

"She is... Irreplaceable, " he said, the word choice not fitting as a proper response, but to him, it was a sudden realization. She was irreplaceable. He imagined she wouldn't be feeling as such from how things ended. But she would never have a competitor nor someone who would willingly or unwillingly take her place. She was it for him. The only love of his life.

Charles looked confused but kept on, "So why isn't she with you now?"

He had to think about it for a moment and then summarized in a few short words, "I let her go so she can be mine."

"You know that makes absolutely no sense right?"

"Right, " he agreed. But in reality, it made more sense than any of his actions ever had. She has to choose for herself, make sure she wasn't going to miss out on a life of extreme luxury and recognition. More than that she'd be free, free to roam and sing and have children who would take part in high society. That wouldn't be possible with him as a husband. Therefore she would have to choose. In the meantime, he was preparing her a place for her, if she changed her mind.

"Well, my dearest brother, will you be okay? I will miss you greatly."

"Of course, " Erik reassured.

"Please write."

"As always, " he promised and kissed him goodbye. He stared out the window again, this time following Charles's carriage until his eyes could no longer spot the black shape fading through the trees.

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