Evil Lurks: Part 1

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Panic set in amongst the company, as a devilish redhead with muddy brown eyes, a hot temper and a gaudy persona, plotted inside of her carriage, just outside of the Opera Populaire

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Panic set in amongst the company, as a devilish redhead with muddy brown eyes, a hot temper and a gaudy persona, plotted inside of her carriage, just outside of the Opera Populaire.

Two days had passed since Paris's new star had disappeared without the slightest warning. Madame Giry and Meg told everyone Christine had gone to visit Professor Valerius and his wife in wine country to celebrate her successful debut, yet Carlotta suspected there was more to the story. Christine was scheduled to begin rehearsals for El Moto the following day but did not show up. For Carlotta, this news didn't sit well with her, for any dancing girl in her opinion, would be more than thrilled to have such an opportunity. She concluded that the truth was being withheld and she was not the only one.

 She concluded that the truth was being withheld and she was not the only one

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Raoul knocked on Christine's dressing room door but it did not open. He called her name but she wouldn't respond. He became worried, as he felt it was much too quiet inside. Raoul imagined that he would at least be able to hear her walking around or things moving inside, even if she was avoiding him.

" Christine please open the door, I know you might be anxious to have dinner with me but I can reassure you whatever nervousness you are experiencing I am experiencing five times as much."

No reply. That was until the door swung wide open and he was met with an elderly woman dressed in a black buttoned-down outfit resembling mourning ensemble, with a tightly a braided crown, and a placid expression on her face.

"Monsieur De Chagny, Christine is not here, she decided last minute that tonight's events have been too overwhelming, and she asked me to let you know that she will be gone for the next couple of days to see one of her fathers' friends."

"I beg your pardon, Madame Giry, but Christine and I, we are old friends, and she was eager and willing to come with me just minutes ago, is there any way I could possibly speak to her before she leaves?"

Antoinette's concrete temperament shattered, and her posture adjusted unconformably from its hardened stance. She took a deep breath and looked back at him with slightly pursed lips and an annoyed gaze.
It was hard enough keeping the secret that she was the Phantoms only friend, but even more so that she constantly had to cover for his reckless, spur of the moment, endeavors.

"No. You have already missed her. She left from the south wing of the theatre while you were getting the carriage ready. I'm truly sorry, but she won't be back for a couple of days, she needs to clear her head and prepare for her new-found popularity, of course you wouldn't know such a feeling since you where born into the hard-earned line of aristocracy," With that said the dressing room door was shut and Raoul was left staring at it, speechless.

 I'm truly sorry, but she won't be back for a couple of days, she needs to clear her head and prepare for her new-found popularity, of course you wouldn't know such a feeling since you where born into the hard-earned line of aristocracy," With tha...

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The Phantom offered Christine a mysterious drink from a beautiful goblet before he helped her down into his elaborately crafted boat. There was a small passageway of stone that was lit by what seemed to be arms dipped in golden bronze, holding torches and large candelabras from above. Christine kept her eyes on The Phantom, who had thrown on his long black cloak.

The darkness of the underground canal became fuzzy and distorted, and soon Christine's eyes would no longer stay open.

The darkness of the underground canal became fuzzy and distorted, and soon Christine's eyes would no longer stay open

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Water streamed down large Victorian windows, projecting a patterned shadow on the wall parallel from it. Madame Giry's upstairs apartment was flooded in a gray-dim light that encouraged a lack of movement. Christine immediately felt the sourness of her body as she stretched her arms high in the air. She closed her eyes again wishing to fall back to sleep, counting on some extra rest to relieve the nauseousness in her stomach.

Christine slept for another hour and then proceeded to get up and slip on the brown casual dress that Meg had laid out for her on the elegant loveseat in the corner of the suite. It was still raining outside, so she could not tell what time of day it was. She made her way over to the vanity dresser set and sat on the bench to begin freshening up. As she brushed through her knotted golden locks, she reflected on the almost perfect night she had spent with the Phantom of the Opera. His passion for her exuberated while they were surrounded in the incandescent world of night that was the fortress of his solidarity and creative genius. She was enchanted by him in every way.

Christine's cheeks filled with a fiery crimson as she relived the sensuality between herself and her master. She had never experienced a man's touch so strong that it caused her body to crumble into something as weak and worthless as it had. She recalled his warm and careful touch that sent alarming goosebumps to rise up and down her back. The words that he spoke full of yearning repeated themselves in her head like a never-ending symphony of desire, dangerously fueled by the recollection of his deep and gravelly voice whispering into her ear. Everything was so wonderful...until he became unjustifiably cross with her.

It was understandable that he might have been defensive about his mask, but when he gripped her arms roughly the respect she held for him was immediately diminished. How dare he act so brashly towards her for as much as simply asking a question!

Christine sat the heavy metal brush down and picked up a bottle of Madame Giry's perfume. As she sprayed it on, she vaguely glanced at herself in the mirror, until she horridly realized that far behind her, her worst nightmare was leaned up against the private library door, staring directly at her through the reflection in the mirror.


Hey, everyone! I know that this chapter is super short in comparison to the ones y'all have been reading. I'm going to update this chapter and continue it a little further but I wanted to go ahead and update while I have the chance to this weekend. Once again thank you guys so much for reading( WE ARE ALMOST AT 700 READS!!!) and also I would love for you guys to comment on the chapters that you really enjoy. Don't be afraid to point out or give criticism, and of course, ya'll are more than welcome to comment something that you liked about the chapter or characters, or an element of the story you really liked. Anyways, thanks again and you guys can look forward to more content in this chapter after I update sometime this week.

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