A Promise

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"Erik! What are you thinking?" Madame Giry sternly questioned

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"Erik! What are you thinking?" Madame Giry sternly questioned. Antoinette was startled by him when he sought her attention from behind stage. She heard his familiar voice but when she turned she had not expected him to look so ordinary in appearance . She was utterly shocked at how perfect the makeup concealing his other half was.

Her relationship with the Opera Ghost was a long history withstanding time and difficulty. Unlike what she had told a young Christine Daaé, the circumstance in which she met Erik Destler was substantially more predestined in nature than the events in which she had described.

In 1865, during the four year mark of the construction of the Palais Garnier, Charles Garnier, was searching for a highly creative and technical architect to aid in the design for the establishment as they had run into many obstacles with the subt...

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In 1865, during the four year mark of the construction of the Palais Garnier, Charles Garnier, was searching for a highly creative and technical architect to aid in the design for the establishment as they had run into many obstacles with the subterranean water table on the plot of land, capable of infiltration, they were tasked with assembling around. There were a team of skilled architects in Garnier's company but none possessed the necessary practicality and creativity to come up with an effective solution, that was until one morning upon his office arrival, Garnier, spotted on his desk a detailed composition of the Opera and plans to create a concrete reservoir filled with water to counter-balance the external pressure, therefore resulting in a sort of underground lake.

There was a note included with the documents only initialed with E.D., informing the reader of the secrecy and privacy the architect in question demanded. If Garnier were to hire him, he would only work on the building exclusively at night and all communication was to be had through written word. All financial reward was to be left in an envelope hidden within his desk, for him to receive at a later time.

Three years later when the rooms in the building were finally functional, Madame Giry was hired to start instructing a young group of girls dance who had a possibility of becoming the operas first original performers. She held her class in a ball room set to the left behind the the grand foyer. Late one evening on a stormy night, when she was preparing to go home, she heard the loud crackling of lighting.Antoinette rushed to grab her things hoping she could make it home to her ten year old daughter, Meg, before the storm further progressed. Carrying her carpet bag, umbrella, and staff, she headed towards the entrance. A thunderous clap from the sky made her gasp and refrain from lurching forward. She caught her breath slowly and moved to open the large doors.

The night was black with rain hammering down in thick sheets, so dreadfully that she could hardly tell where the stairs began from the covered platform. A guilty thought entered her mind, knowing that her Meg was terrified of thunderstorms and that every time a dark storm brewed she was there at home holding and consoling her until she could rest peacefully in her bed. Thunder blasted through out the sky once again the sound so loud that it rattled inside her chest. She didn't know how exactly she would get home but she knew she had to.

After finding enough gumption she ran out towards the road. She did not see the carriage speeding full fledge behind her. She did not hear the drivers screams as she was running right into his line of passage. She only saw the horses stampeding towards her at an accelerated pace, she only felt her muscles stiffen and lock in place as her eyes were saucers in the light of the glowing coach lamps. Her eyes shut accepting how her story would end, but she did not realize that someone was ready to pull her away just in time. That someone  that she would dedicate the rest of her life to serving. A masked angel, shrouded in the darkness of night.

Erik lead Antoinette to a fitting room in the back of the theater to talk in privacy

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Erik lead Antoinette to a fitting room in the back of the theater to talk in privacy. "You know that I have every intention of being true to her. It was in fact you, yourself, who lead me down this very avenue."

"I told you to watch over the girl, give her some comfort when she first came that could only be provided by a convincing performance of supernatural intervention. I did not, however, to tell you to fall in love with Christine and ruin all her chances of her building a successful career and life for herself!"

Madame Giry's hair had almost completely greyed except a dark brown lock towards the front of her face. Her body had began slowing down some and her skin was pale and delicate now. Those ember eyes of hers remained untouched by time, Erik, peered into them now, projecting a look of earnest candidacy and seriousness.

"Antoinette," he started, gesturing for her to sit on bench a few steps back.Her face softened and she sat down to let him explain himself. Erik kneeled before her grabbing her aged hand. "I know that you raised her as your own madame, I know this very well. You have done everything in your power to ensure that she has had a good life after her fathers passing. What I am asking you to do now is to rest assured, understanding that it is now my turn to give her the very best life." Madame Giry sighed, softly lowering her head.

"I promise, "Erik said, gently lifting her chin, "I will give her a life no one else in this world can give her. One of comfortability, adventure, romance, and beauty. She will not go a day without shelter, food, or the warmth of my love for her. Antoinette pursed her lips, her brows knitting together, but then she seemed to reconsider and hesitantly sighed once more, as the the corner of her mouth suddenly turned up.

"You must truly promise this, my dear friend, she is invaluable to Meg and I."

"Yes, of course," he followed. Does this mean I have your blessing?" She paused hesitantly, but eventually squeezed his hand.

"Yes, Erik.Go...be married, and experience a love you've been waiting for your whole life," she said smiling. He grinned widely, feeling relieved and excited. He stood up, helping her rise as well. He turned towards the door, anticipating his soon to be bride. "And Erik," she said grabbing his arm. "Don't ever take the time you have with her for granted." He considered this, nodding in agreement, "Of course, " he answered, and kissed her sullen cheek.

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