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A ticklish flurry across her cheek awoke her

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A ticklish flurry across her cheek awoke her. The butterfly flew from her face into the blazing red of the dusk sky. She felt clammy with perspiration from her deep sleep and felt the chill of the evening on her skin.  Erik had fallen asleep himself, his chest was rising and falling peacefully as his eyelashes flickered. Christine moved from where she'd rested at his thigh and laid on her side next to him. She studied all of the interesting and amazing details that made up his face. He snored softly which made her laugh quietly to herself. Her fingers fell against his hair above his ear. She softly rubbed her finger over his cheek and then his lips. He grunted, finding it hard to awaken, yet soon his blue eyes were wide open after squinting.

"Hello, love,"she whispered.

He breathed deeply, "Hello." The corner of his mouth lifted.

She kissed his sultry lips.

"Mhm, being woken up to you feels like I'm waking up inside of a painting."

"Come closer to me, my darling," he requested, crows feet appearing as he grinned.

She granted him the wish immediately. She closed her eyes as he placed a cold hand against her neck and then massaged the nape of her neck. Her eyes glinted as she peered into his which said nothing yet absolutely everything. They whispered, "I love you", "You are my world," "You are beautiful", "I... know you". She kissed his temple and started at the buttons on his vest, prying each one from its hole until he was relieved from his first article of clothing. He didn't take his time helping her undress. When it wasn't so easy to strip from their clothing they both rose to their knees helping each other with each garment. Eventually they both felt the breeze of the night sweep over every portion of their bodies.

Erik stared at his undisguised beauty. Her long pale hair fell over the peaks of her breasts. Her thighs protruded from sitting on her knees. Her face was rosy and the eagerness in her gaze and her the catch in her breath, and the perfection of setting sun amongst them in this moment, sent him spiraling into a hazy doe- eyed plea for her. He put a hand behind her head and motioned her to lie down.

His body hovered over hers, "God woman, you awaken everything in me. You make my blood rush and my heart pound." Her already pink cheeks flushed to a dark shade of garnet red. Christine wrapped her arms around his shoulders and forced him to her. Their bodies blended together creating an instantaneous hub of comfort and euphoria.

It was slow at first, their oneness, the love in each others faces, the sense of home in each others embrace, then it was more powerful, knowing they could manipulate and control how much pleasure the other experienced, understanding their passions were capable of anything at all. And they gave each other everything in the dark of the night as the stars peaked through its velvet blackness.

 And they gave each other everything in the dark of the night as the stars peaked through its velvet blackness

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