The Taste of Indignity

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November 26, 1875

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November 26, 1875

The final rehearsal for Il Muto ran smoothly. There were not any "mysterious" events, such as items disappearing, lights flickering, and odd noises coming from above the stage. Erik's meddling had ceased tremendously since being made aware of the manager's plans to hunt and capture him, although this didn't stop him from keeping a close eye on Christine.
Erik watched tentatively from box five as Christine and all cast and crew, besides Carlotta of course, slaved away at their last rehearsal.

Watching her was pleasant even though he and the majority of others would agree Christine was meant to be Prima Donna and her silent role as the page boy was an insufferable decision on the managers part.

Erik tried to behave himself, although the idea ridding the Opera Garnier of it's most dreadful member crossed his mind frequently. He was in the midst of studying Christine's carefully perfected choreography when he caught sight of a gentleman marching past the group of bystanders who had collected themselves in the middle aisle. A fit of jealous anger rushed over him when he recognized the man.

Raoul held his hand up, protesting any distractions from the managers and their surrounding socialites that were rather eager to bid him welcome as he marched directly towards the stage and found Christine walking towards the dressing room.

"Christine, " he said catching her shoulder. She jumped, seemingly alarmed until she turned and realized it was him.

"Oh, hello Raoul, " she said as she curtsied. Her fellow castmates examined the surprise greeting closely.

"I came here to ask you if you would do me the honor of dining with my family and me tonight at La Petite Chaise."

Whispered chatters started around them. Some of the women gasped, for the restaurant Raoul mentioned was said to have hosted the Sun King himself, only the elite members of society were invited to dine.

An uncomfortable moment arose when Christine didn't respond immediately. She looked around at the concerned faces staring at her and then at Raoul with his chestnut hair and gentle eyes. His perfect facade hid his conceded nature. He didn't want to dine with her before so what had changed? She weighed the consequences of her next action back and forth and then decided.

"Raoul, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I can not." The surrounding women gasped, shocked by how she could refuse such an opportunity. Christine rolled her eyes, disgruntled by the women's tactlessness. Raoul cleared his throat uncomfortably, "Well, Christine, you see-," a tall man breaking through the crowd interrupted his rebuttal and caused Christine to do double-take.

Why was he here? Christine pondered to herself as the masculine figure bowed before them.

"Hello, brother, and good afternoon my dearest Christine it is a pleasure to see you again, it has been too long," Phillipe kissed her hand. She blushed simply unable to conceal her fancy towards him.

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