Chapter 1: Mana's Sacrifice

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Hi, lovelies! I do not own Yugioh its characters or you and all images and videos belong to their owners.

This story will be based on all seasons of Yugioh Duel Monsters however the plots will be altered a bit and change at times to make your character shine as a protagonist.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Japanese version, a ka is the spirit monster of the character. Ex. Kisara's ka is Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Let's begin.

(Mana's POV) Five thousand years ago.

I watch the scene before me in horror from the palace balcony as Bakura and his shadow creatures tear our men to shreds and destroy our priests' monsters.

"Give it up already Pharaoh you don't stand a chance against me. Your loyal servant has already perished and your Priests are no match for me." Bakura hisses.

"I will never surrender to you Bakura as long as I have breath in me I will fight you with everything in me to protect my people." Atem counters.

"Hahaha, Pharaoh you're a fool if you think you can defeat me." Bakura claps back.

Atem grunts.

"Try and fight me all you want Pharaoh but you cannot defeat the almighty Zorc. You will be defeated by his great dark powers after all it's your father's ruthless cruelty towards my people that fuels his power." Bakura hisses.

"My father was a nobleman and great king Bakura he would never do that which you speak of." Atem declares.

"The Pharaoh speaks the truth Bakura King Aknamkanon would do no such thing he was a noble King." Seto chimes in.

"Ahh, Seto after what happened to your beloved Kisara I thought you would have joined my side or given up after all she did sacrifice herself to save you. Do you think your Pharaoh would have done the same?" Bakura mocks.
Seto growls in anger at the snow-white-haired man.

"That's enough Bakura!" Atem yells.

"This battle is between you and me leave Seto and my people out of this. It's time to end this madness." Atem demands.
"Very well Pharaoh let's end this once and for all." Bakura agrees.
With that Bakura becomes one with Zorc and takes flight.

Atem calls fought Mahad and the three Egyptian Gods as Seto takes down diabound with Kisara as Blue Eyes.
The battle is fierce as Mahad uses magic blasts, Obelisk fist of fate, Ra blaze cannon, and Slifer with thunder force but Zorc dodges all and fires back at them turning Obelisk and Slifer into stone and weakening Atem.

I feel so useless why did I have to promise Atem that I'll stay away from the battle and protect the servants.

The guards around the palace are doing just fine. I can't stand this anymore Mahad already sacrificed himself and became one with his ka to protect our Pharaoh.
Just then Shimon manages to summon Exodia the forbidden one but even he is no match for Zorc.
Seto attacks with Blue Eyes but she's turned to stone as well.

I refuse to stand back and watch as my best friend, brother and fellow Priests fight the greatest battle of their lives while I hide in the shadow it's time I prove myself as a magician and servant of the Pharaoh.

It's time to shake things up! Come fought Dark Magician Girl! It's time we get in on the action don't you think? I ask her and she nods in approval.
She picks me up and flies us over to where Atem and Seto are. I help Isis take Shada, Shimon, and Karim to safety. They were all severely injured but with our healers' help, they should be just fine.

I order my Dark Magician Girl to help Mahad while I help Atem to his feet.

"My Pharaoh are you alright?" I asked him with worry.
"Mana w-what are you doing here? You promised me you would stay in the palace." Atem said with fear and worry in his eyes.
"That was before you were battling the most dangerous villain in Egypt.  What kind of friend and servant would I be if I didn't help you huh? It's my duty to protect you and our people Pharaoh." I responded in annoyance.

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