Chapter: 21 Friends & Family Reunion Pt 2

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Welcome back lovelies, Seto, Mahad can you both please stop bickering and greet our lovely readers?

Mahad: Hello and welcome back. While you wait for more updates please check out Forbidden_Priestess stories. They are insanely good.

Seto: Her writing is incredible and her stories definitely deserve more reads and votes. So be sure to check them out!

Mana: If you love Vaseshipping, Peachshipping, Pleaseshipping, and blueshipping, you'll love these. Phoenix is a huge fan of Forbidden_Priestess hence the reason she's recommending her to you all.

Leo: If you don't like or eat ice cream, choose something you😍

Isabella: Now back to the story!

(Little Fairies Ice Cream Shop)
Your Pov

"Why don't you guys grab us a table while I place our orders," I told them.
"I'll help you with them," Ser said walking to the cashier with me.
"Hi, good day welcome to Little Fairies Ice Cream Parlor. How may I be of service?" The cashier asked?
"Hi good day, we'd like to have one waffle bowl of strawberry chili cheesecake, one mint chocolate chip, one chocolate supreme, and one (favorite Ice Cream)," I ordered.
"That will be thirty bucks. Please proceed to the end of the counter. Your order will be ready soon. Thanks for coming have a great day," She said.

"So you two are getting pretty cozy huh? Public date at your favorite ice cream shop. Is this why you stayed behind?" Serah asked.
"I wish but no. Today is his birthday so I decided to take him on a tour of my favorite places," I told her.
"I see, where are you heading after here?" She asked.
"I was heading to the flower shop and home but if you guys aren't busy I'd love to take him to our spot," I stated.
"That's a great idea! Let me ask Seto," She said running over to their table to ask him.

"Here guys, bon appètit," I told them as I placed their ice creams on the table.
"Are we supposed to know what that means?" Mahad asked.
"Sorry, I forgot you don't know French. Enjoy your meal," I said.
"Oh, well same to you," Phoenix said.
"Scoot over!" Seto said.
"Is your table too small for your ego, 'Not Happening'?" Mahad snickered.
"It's fine but crashing your date is much more satisfying, 'Not Interested'," Seto smirked.
"So are we all on board for our favorite spot after this?" Issy asked.
"We are, I can't wait for Yami to see it," I said excitedly.
"Me neither, you'll love it," Ser assured him.

"Couldn't you fall for someone who doesn't look like Yugi's twin or older brother?" Seto scoffed.
"Leave albi alone, Seto. He's my life," I stated.
"As long as he treats you well and makes you happy that's all that matters," He said.
"Thank you and he does," I told him.
"We should get going guys, it's already ten and we have to be in the office by one," Leo stated.
"And we have to be in the castle by twelve," Phoenix added.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go so I can beat you guys in football/soccer again!" Mokuba cheered.
"Well come on then!" I said leading them to the limos.

"Y/N, wait a sec!" Issy called out.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You don't have to tell me but did something happen when we left? Yugi mentioned seeing your dad being carried away by some of his men," She explained.
"Someone took his millennium eye. He's currently resting at home. Doctors said his operation was a success so he should make a full recovery. How soon, depends on him. Mom is with him as we speak. Mahad and Phoenix cast a healing sell on him so he'll be just fine," I told her.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry hun. It's like one thing after the next for you. He'll be okay. I made something for Yami and gave it to Mahad to place in your closet. Let me know if it needs any adjustments okay," She said before walking over to Seto.

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