Chapter: 15 Yami Surprises Y/N

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Leo: Welcome back lovelies!

Author: I just want to thank each and every one of you who takes the time to read my story as well as leave me beautiful comments that motivate me to write more. I hope you have an awesome day/night 🤗

Leo: Habibty is my love and Albi my heart in Egyptian.

Serah: Now on to the story!

(Yugi 550, Y/N 400)
Yami's Pov

"Man talk about an intense duel," Tristan said.
"Yeah, poor Joey," Tea sighed.
"He played well but it just wasn't enough," Bakura stated.
"Hey, guys," Joey greeted.
"Joey! You should be proud of yourself. You played extraordinary well," Serah told him.
"Thanks, Ser, how's it looking down there?" Joey asked.
"Not good it's Y/N's turn but she's a wreck," Leo explained.

"You can do this Y/N! It's okay," I told her.
"No albi I c-can't," She cried.
"Yes you can, we talked about this. You need to pull yourself together," I said.
"I wish there was another way," She sighed.
"Me too habibty but there isn't. This is just as hard for me as it is for you but we can do this. We promised each other an honorable duel and that's exactly what we're going to do," I assured her.
"Thanks for reminding me Yug. Here I come. Go Holy Phoenix attack Black Skull!"
"Swords of Revealing Light!" I said stopping her attack.

"Talk about having the right card at the right time," Leo said.
"Tell me about it. I thought Yug was done for," Joey stated.
"You and me both Joey," Serah said.

"Great move but do you have something that can take down my Dragon?" She asked.
"I may not have any monster strong enough to defeat your Dragon but there are other ways to win a duel," I told her.
"That's true but what happens when your opponent has a strategy that counters every one of yours?" She smirked.
"I guess there's only one way to find out," I teased.
"Make your move albi," She winked at me.

"She sure has you wrapped around her finger doesn't she?" Yugi asked.
"She does and she knows it," I told him.
"You can't let her charms distract you Spirit. We have to stay focus and come up with a strategy to destroy her Dragon," Yugi said and I frowned.
"My feelings for Y/N won't distract me from what's at stake Yugi," I assured him.
"I sure hope so because we could lose our only chance to save everyone," He stated.

I drew a card and ended my turn.
"It's your move princess," I smirked knowing how much she hates being called that.
"I'll show you, princess, albi. I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Dark Magician Girl (2300 ATK, 1700 DEF) in attack mode. It's your move," She smiled.
"I play Brain Control to seize control of your Holy Phoenix," I told her but all she does is smile.
"Why is she smiling?" Yugi asked.
"I don't know young one but I have a feeling we're about to find out," I told him.
"Nice move albi, what are you waiting for? Aren't you going to attack my Mage?" She smirked.
"She's trying to throw you off don't fall for her bluff! You have to attack!" Yugi said.

"I don't know Yugi, her eyes tell me she's not bluffing," I explained.
"You promised you wouldn't let your feelings for her get in the way of what's at stake and you also promised not to go against me," He reminded me.
"You're right I did," I said.

"This is it, guys. Yugi's going to win!" Joey yelled.
"You're right Joey there's no way her Dark Magician Girl can stand up to her Holy Phoenix," Tristan stated.
"Yeah and even if she somehow manages to escape his Skull Dragon can easily wipe her out on his next turn," Bakura added.
"Come on Yugi!" Tea cheered.

"I hate to burst your bubble guys but this duel is far from over," Leo said.
"Whatcha mean Leo?" Joey asked.
"You should know by now Joey to never underestimate Y/N. Have you forgotten how many times she came from behind?" Serah asked.
"You have a point Seri but Yug's got this in the bag," Joey told her.

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