Chapter: 26 New Beginnings

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Yami: Happy New Year Habibty, may all your wishes and dreams come true!

(Your POV)

"Did you manage to get the flowers, caterers, dessert, and..."
"Mom, please breathe. Everything is fine. Our chefs will be doing the cooking and we'll be doing a self-serve buffet so all our staff can be a part of the party. Dad will have his make-up dinner at seven and our annual party starts at ten," I told her.
"You didn't invite the whole country, did you?" She asked.
"Of course not, just our friends and their families along with our company's closest allies," I stated.
"Okay, what else do we need to do?" She asked agitated.
"You need to go to the garden. Dad's waiting for you there," I told her.
"Alright but if you..."
"I'll call you, now go!" I said.

"I see where you get your fetish for perfection from," Yami teased.
"I'm actually more laid back like dad. Mahad on the other hand..." I chuckled as he glared at me.
"Those cakes aren't going to frost themselves, missy," He sneered.
"Sweetheart, loosen up a bit. The last thing we need is a cake fight right now," Phoenix stated.
"Phee, let us handle the cakes while you guys help Issy with the decorations. That way we'll work quicker," Yami told her.
"Good idea Pharaoh but who's going to help you guys..."
"This is Y/N, were talking about Phee. She'll have them ready in no time," He stated.
"Right, I forgot how magical her cake decorating skills are," Phoenix said.
"Alright then let's go sweetheart and if you guys manage to finish before us, come lend us a hand," Mahad said as they walked to the hall to help Issy.

"You've got a little something on your cheek. Let me get it for you," Yami said leaning closer to my face before licking the frosting from my cheek.
"Yami!" I scolded but all he does is chuckle.
"You wouldn't be giggling if dad or papa walked in and saw what you did," I warned.
"Can you blame me though? You haven't kissed me since Christmas morning," He pouted.
"You know son my first kiss was on my wedding day with your father so I dont think she owes you anything. Oh how the times have changed," Mama sighed making Yami gasp while his cheeks turned crimson and I chuckled.
"Mother, are you forgetting she's my wife? Therefore I should be able to kiss her anytime I want," He smirked.
"You really are your father's son," Mama chuckled.
"He does have a valid point habibty," Papa said kissing her cheek.

"Okay lover boys, time to get back to work. We still have quite a lot to get done before our guests arrive," I told them.
"Okay, show me what to do and I'll help you while those two Romeos work together," Mama said.
"The red and gold frostings are for the roses. We'll be using this tip to create them while they stick on the leaves and sprinkle on the glitter before placing them in the containers for the chiller," I explained and she began working on the cupcakes while I worked on the three-story cake. After we placed the finishing touches on, we snuck behind Papa and Yami dabbling frosting on both their faces running into the hall while they chased us.
"You'll pay for that, habibty!" Yami exclaimed.

"What in the..." Issy gasped looking at their faces while we hid behind her.
"Let go of Isabella and face your punishments," Papa said while we chuckled.
"Issy, would you mind taking a picture of them for us?" I smirked and they both ran to the garden sink to wash their faces while mama and I used the one in the hall.
"So that's how you entertain your husbands," Issy teased.
"Don't worry dear, when you and Seto get married, you'll understand," Mama told her.
"Me and Cob-alt? Mama, if he heard you say that, he'd have a heart attack. He doesn't like the best bone in me," Issy said.
"Time will tell my little warrior," Mama said winking at her as she walked into the hall to help the others.

"The decorations look stunning. You did a great job as always," I stated.
"Thank you, I truly appreciate you giving me the job especially since," She said.
"Like I've told you before, we'll help you in whatever way we can. You just need to let us know what you need," I told her.
"Thanks, hun, but I'll only accept if you allow me to work it off," She said.
"Fine, Ms. Independent Isabella," I teased.
"Funny coming from you Ms. Self-Sufficient Y/N," She countered using her fingers to air quote Self-Sufficient Y/N.
"Come on let's get this place ready before your Cobalt eyes future hubby shows up with all our guests," I smirked.
"He's not my future hubby," She stated.
"Not yet," I countered.

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